Electronics Forum: 200g (Page 1 of 1)


Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 23 20:16:11 EST 2009 | davef

We're not familiar with Loctite 3606. Adhesive bond strength must be adequate to survive handling forces between the adhesive cure station and the soldering station. At the soldering station, the adhesive will soften during the preheat stage and in

Re: Fair enough

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 30 03:23:46 EST 1998 | Bob Willis

| | | | | I have been working on this process for a couple of weeks and I know that there are a few other companies in Europe and Japan who are also playing. | | | | | | | | | | Is there any one who has been running this process in production ? | |

Re: Fair enough

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 30 09:09:42 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| | | | | | I have been working on this process for a couple of weeks and I know that there are a few other companies in Europe and Japan who are also playing. | | | | | | | | | | | | Is there any one who has been running this process in production


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