Electronics Forum: 200parts nozzle 2001 (Page 1 of 6)

201 Nozzle, HSP4796

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 26 16:16:41 EST 2001 | bcaler

Wanted, Universal's part number for a 201 nozzle used on the HSP4796. Just the part number for one nozzle please. Or contact me if you have one you can sell me. Thanks, Brian

201 Nozzle, HSP4796

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 28 20:38:07 EST 2001 | davef

So, what does John Rukavina at Sanyo [888-672-5353] say?

Re: PANASONIC RMA Nozzles breakage

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 19:33:53 EST 2001 | ben

i guess you have already checked this by now, but is your line sensor(thickness)operating correctly. This could account for nozzle breakage on placement

201 Nozzle, HSP4796

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 28 14:55:20 EST 2001 | bcaler

Thanks for the link Dave, but it doesn't show a P/N for a 201 nozzle (unless I'm blind). I guess it's a big UIC secret. Brian

maintenance cost for siplace hs50

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 17 21:46:26 EST 2001 | edmo

I am the new user for siplace HS50 for about 3 months, running 24 hours production. I used to perform PM every 2 weeks. I have just changed all the plungers(Alu) and nozzles(904) and some nozzle sleeves due to components high throw-out. The estimat

Missing componentafter chip placer.

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 07:39:11 EDT 2001 | caldon

Can you confirm the components are being picked up from the feeders? If the Feeder table calibration is incorrect the components could be picked up off from the begining. This would result in 1) nozzle barely picking up the part and as the head moves

201 Nozzle, HSP4796

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 28 14:41:31 EST 2001 | davef


Line Balance Universal HSP/GSM

Electronics Forum | Fri May 25 14:40:05 EDT 2001 | greggg

Can anyone recommend a low-cost line-balancing software application for use with a Universal HSP (4790) and a GSM-1 with Flex Jet Head (7 nozzles)? Thanks, Greggg

placing 0603 parts with a 4766 sfp

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 19 14:50:10 EDT 2001 | tpeterson

I am looking for advice on placing 0603 parts with an old 4766. Also need a source for tooling and nozzles for the 0603 parts. Thanks, Tom

Applying past with CamAlot

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 22 14:24:39 EDT 2001 | markhoch

I used a CamAlot 5000 to apply conductive epoxy on an aluminum substrate about 4 years ago. I used the largest diameter nozzle CamAlot had, and I bumped the dispense and dwell times way up. It was the slowest stage in the process, but it worked out o

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