Electronics Forum: 208v 70 amp reflow oven (Page 1 of 9)

Baking components at 70 degree

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 17 15:35:12 EDT 2008 | slthomas

But don't you need to control the rate of the drop in pressure? I'd think if you pull down quickly it just results in the same popcorning you'd see in a reflow oven. I just know it's not hard to boil water in a vacuum chamber. For that matter, it's

5 zone reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 25 16:16:01 EST 2005 | pjc

Here are some 5 zones models to look for: Electrovert OmniFlo5 Conceptronic HVA70 BTU VIP70 Vitronics SMR or XPM 520 Heller 1088 (4 zone)

5 zone reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 01 09:32:49 EST 2005 | TDS

I have a conceptronic HVA70 in Ohio for sale. If interested please email me. scott@tritecsales.com

Small scale reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 05 18:31:22 EDT 2019 | ttheis

I would really suggest staying away from novastar on their ovens- we had a really bad experience with two of their ovens being unable to maintain temperature properly. We ended up buying a used BTU VIP70 and it has been working out great. A Heller 18

Reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 24 04:23:56 EDT 2006 | TA

Hello guys, I am Looking for a oven with the following specifications. Can any one suggest me the best suitable model. Thanks ========================================================== - heating length 2500mm - zone top/bottom 7 - forced convection

Reflow oven replacement

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 16:04:33 EDT 2024 | mistrthou

We're currently running a pair of XPM 820 Vitronics reflow ovens with a year 2000 vintage. I'm looking into either replacing both with used or one at a time new (and using the 2nd for spare parts). I priced a new delivered replacement from Vitronics

Reflow oven replacement

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 16 07:55:46 EDT 2024 | ginny

> We're currently running a pair of XPM 820 > Vitronics reflow ovens with a year 2000 vintage. > I'm looking into either replacing both with used > or one at a time new (and using the 2nd for spare > parts). I priced a new delivere

Mysterious reflow problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 07:56:39 EDT 2009 | d0min0

Hello, since some days we are facing strange problem with SMT component reflow paste on one side of the component is reflowed correctly while the other side is 10%-70% non-reflowed (same component on 3 positions per module, alwyas the same land pad)

Re: vibration during solder reflow

Electronics Forum | Sun May 23 07:13:56 EDT 1999 | Scott Cook

| Has anyone had any experience or data using vibration during the reflow process. | We introduced a vibration device attached to the fixed rail on a Vitronics reflow oven. The reason was to prevent skewing on large PLCC devices. The process worked v

Does anyone have experience retrofitting a HELLER oven to a lower voltage?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 24 11:09:02 EDT 2015 | proceng1

We are looking at buying a used HELLER 1800 reflow oven. It is currently set up for 480v and our facility is 208v. I know we can either get it retrofitted or buy a step up transformer. Is retrofitting the machine simply moving a tap on the inter

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