Electronics Forum: 20kg 20kg 20200 (Page 1 of 1)

Solder Joint Strength

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 31 19:41:36 EST 2005 | Dreamsniper

Can anyone guide me to what test do I need to be able to identify the strength of my fine pitch component solder joint? What value is available that I can use as a reference? Say 1.5 kg, 2.0 kg, 2.5 kg etc. I would like to have my fine pitch compone

Gel Flex Support

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 02 21:50:23 EST 2005 | KEN

I beta tested these 6 months before general availability. These devices worked well in some situations and mrginally in others. Migrating to Gel may depend on what your current issues are with your current tooling solutions. Generally speaking it w

Re: solder mask

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 15 05:45:15 EDT 1999 | Brian

Boca, Dave Sorry, but I cannot let this go. I'll go along with you that, at the time that the Montreal Protocol was initially signed (September 1987), there was no scientific proof that CFCs etc. were causing ozone depletion. There was, however, ve


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