Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 01 19:35:10 EST 2004 | dougt
I guess I asked the wrong question. For an OEM that builds electronic equipment that is used by industry in the production of pc boards, what specification(s) should the OEM be meeting for electrical safety? I have been given some paperwork that ref
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 24 20:39:49 EDT 2017 | dawson
We got an inquiry from US that requires high > volume 8 layer 1.0mm PCB, OSP + selective ENIG > surface, 5 groups impedance control, and stacked > vias. These requirements are common, but there is > 2/2mil lines in inner layers. It's said that th
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 26 10:56:13 EDT 2006 | JEM
Mydata sales for TPSys 2.4 says and i quote" Reduce your setup and changeover times with new features like the ability to use auto teach for vision illumination, barcode loading of trays, factory wide sharing of vision package data.TPSys 2.4 contains
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 16 14:44:31 EST 2011 | olddog
Bobpan, thank you for your speedy response. As to the items you noted: 1. I did a test of Funct 30 for the first 5 nozzles, 2 times each as follows: noz1 Ht=215 & 219, center=1005 (all nozzles all tests), run out 2.2 & 2.7. Noz2 Ht=228 &228, runout=
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