Electronics Forum: 27330 (Page 1 of 1)

bulbous joint

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 20 07:50:46 EST 2004 | northern

Dave, you are correct they DID move (blows my theory on bad parts)! I will update with the info. you brought up but I have 1000 of these boards on the line as we speak, any ideas on a quick fix? Inquiring managers want to know! th

Re: who makes the best conveyor??

Electronics Forum | Mon May 15 19:55:31 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Greg: The best one is the cheapest used one (that fits in the hole) from any company whose name you recognize, like: Simplimatic Engineering, POBox11709 Lynchburg VA 24506 800.238.3700 fax804.582.1200 Pat Ortz 561.793.9140 fax407.793.9568 Process C


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