Electronics Forum: 2d-solder solids alpha metals (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Proflow of DEK screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 12:02:30 EDT 1999 | Brad Kendall

| Dear sirs, | | If you have experienced Proflow of DEK screen printer, please let me know the details of it. | | Best regards, | | Jame Bond | | I have had Proflow for about 8 weeks now. I have had my fair share of problems with it. It does

SAC305 and Selective Soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 14:12:40 EDT 2013 | pjchonis

Hello Bachman. SAC305 is the most common lead-free solder alloy, not only for wave soldering but also selective. Most of our selective customers (especially automotive) are using SAC305. What is more important than the alloy to consider is the flux

Re: Wave process w/Alpha Metal 310M

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 19 14:56:55 EDT 1999 | JohnW

Nick, I've run this flux for a while and it's not too bad. There is a tendancy for there to be residue left on the PCB after wave due to the solid's content but it can be minised by putting some effort into setting up your spray fluxer to an optimum

QFP soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 08 15:03:40 EST 2004 | dwzeek

We have an ongoing problem with our QFP144 packages soldering. It has not received much attention until late due to some customer failures. Most of the failures would show up in ESS testing and be repaired. The failure rate is about 2 in 1000 parts f

Re: Fillet Lifting

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 09:42:07 EDT 2000 | Gary

The Technical Services Group at Alpha Metals has spent a fair amount of time looking at wave soldered Pb-free connections. We too have observed fillet tearing, fillet lifting, and pad lifting. I have concluded that without major changes in the mate

Immersion Silver - Sulphur

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 23 14:32:42 EST 2003 | davef

Sources of sulphur in PCB fabrication are: * Some locales have high H2S concentrations in the air. * Metal etching steps that use sulfuric acid or a sulfonated buffering compound may result in sulfate residues. * Sulfates can come from contact with

Re: Setting up solder material evaluation (suggestions?)

Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 14:42:58 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea

| | I am about to embark on an effort to evaluate 3 different solder material suppliers and their recommended materials for our assembly process, in an effort to find the best supplier/material. We do mixed technology, with NOCLEAN chemistry so I wi

Re: Setting up solder material evaluation (suggestions?)

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 07:53:48 EDT 1999 | Timothy O'Neill

| | | I am about to embark on an effort to evaluate 3 different solder material suppliers and their recommended materials for our assembly process, in an effort to find the best supplier/material. We do mixed technology, with NOCLEAN chemistry so I

Re: Setting up solder material evaluation (suggestions?)

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 08:00:14 EDT 1999 | Timothy O'Neill

| | | | I am about to embark on an effort to evaluate 3 different solder material suppliers and their recommended materials for our assembly process, in an effort to find the best supplier/material. We do mixed technology, with NOCLEAN chemistry so


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