Electronics Forum: 3d assembly (Page 1 of 4)

MID assembly

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 16 06:59:47 EST 2008 | janz

Hello, I am looking for technical papers (tips, tricks. machines, materials etc) for MID assembly (Moulded Interconnect Device - 3D assembly). Regards Janz

3D Printers

Electronics Forum | Fri May 31 18:33:30 EDT 2013 | caurbach

We are considering purchasing a 3D printer for fixture/assembly aid creation and probably some other uses we never even thought of. Anyone have any experience or thoughts they'd like to share?

Stencil-less printing?

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 01 17:45:26 EST 2018 | spoiltforchoice

However the OP is talking about a machine that replaces a placement nozzle with a dispense head. This is a $20k upgrade that runs at a fraction of the speed an inline stencil printer or Mycronic dedicated dispensing machine. Essemtec offer a similar

BGA Assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 07 07:42:58 EST 2013 | sara_pcb

In continuation of the thread, attached 2d & 3d x-ray pictures of BGA after assembly. Kindly comment.regards, R.Saravanan

Which AOI method is best?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 07 09:46:15 EDT 2001 | orbotech

3D imaging refers to the acquisition of images from multiple perspectives using, preferably, multiple sources of illumination, while 2D imaging refers to the acquisition of an image from one perspective. An AOI system with 3D imaging is able to acq


Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 18 17:46:10 EDT 2018 | spoiltforchoice

You've got (to my mind) 3 wholly different classes of machine there. Essemtec is upper entry level maker that is increasingly differentiating itself from the competing machines in its class by focusing on 3d assembly/dispensing options. The Puma als

Questions you would ask if someone said they had a 3D printer for professional multi-layer PCBs?

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 26 00:45:40 EST 2015 | fantasy728

We're developing a 3D printer for professional > multi-layer PCBs with 3-4 Mil. traces. What > concerns or questions would you have about such a > system? Are you from Voltera company? I just writed a blog about 3D printing of PCB in my website:

3D xray

Electronics Forum | Wed May 30 17:21:25 EDT 2007 | troyboesch

Pretty much everybody does functional or system test at the end of a printed board assembly line. In-circuit or MDA test hits most complex boards. But, 3D xray is being pushed by Agilent, Teradyne, and TRI. No fixtures and a high call rate for sol

BGA x-ray services 3D

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 14 12:39:31 EST 2010 | gregcr

Hi All, We have a glenbrook x-ray in house, but I am in need of a high resolution x-ray of some failed BGA image sensors. Does anyone know of a company that does hi-res or 3D x-ray service? We are not getting enough detail to really see what may be

3D-Printed Masking Boots For Conformal Coating

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 01 09:20:33 EST 2019 | SMTA-Joe

Hello SMTA, We're currently considering purchasing a low-cost 3D Printer to make "masking boots" for connector and component protection during conformal coating. Our assemblies have myriad variety of components and connectors that make traditional

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3d assembly searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Golden State Assembly
Golden State Assembly

Golden State is a contract manufacturer that makes wire harnesses, electromechanical assemblies (box builds, subassemblies, PCBAs, kits, etc.) and services (sorting, rework, value additive manufacturing engineering)


18220 Butterfield Blvd
Morgan Hill, CA USA

Phone: 5102268155

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