Electronics Forum: 4 mil stencil 0402 lead free (Page 1 of 17)


Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 17:19:51 EDT 2008 | dyoungquist

On 0402s we use 20x25 mil pads with a 15 mil gap between the pads on the pcb with ENIG finish, 5 mil stencil with a 1:1 aperture (20x25 mil) and SAC305 lead free solder paste. We very rarely see any tombstoning on 0402s using this setup.

non-wet on 0402 mounted on OSP & lead free paste

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 17 22:36:35 EDT 2008 | arosario

Hi All, We just started build a new product and I am encountering many non-wet rejects in our new product. I need help on what should I look into to improve our Yield. Please see below back ground 1. We are using DEK Infinity as printer. 2. We are mo

non-wet on 0402 mounted on OSP & lead free paste

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 24 13:21:12 EDT 2008 | evtimov

Hello Bong, I would make one test only. Make one batch using the problem part from a different vendor. That will answer your main question. For me the part is causing all your problems. If it is possible, change it. Last time having problem like you

Changing Ni/Au finish to HASL lead free

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 21 12:28:27 EST 2010 | wrongway

I know when we used them we had problems when one pad is 7 mils tall nest to a flat pad one lead touches the pad the lead next to it isnt touching anything so then have an open I don't see how anybody dosnt have problems with it that use quad flatpa

Kester R562 and using lead free components

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 06 13:44:15 EDT 2007 | shrek

Krikies! seems like a head-scratcher if I may say so me-self. I would say the other ogre is right, that surface finish will play a big factor in your solder joint's grain structure or how shiney 'tis. Non-HASL bearing finishes will typicaly exhibit

0402 aperture design lf

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 24 02:56:12 EDT 2007 | chrispy1963

If the PCB you are using is a HASL pad finish and is a leaded assembly, we use homeplate pads with a 5 mil stencil. If the circuit has Enig finish and is PB-Free then we use 1:1 apertures with a 5 mil stencil Either method should provide no solde

25 mil QFP soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 18:07:04 EDT 2004 | dwanzek

This has been a tough one to date. Any ideas will help. Problem definition � random QFP144 part not soldering all leads. Percentage fallout is about 1-5% of boards. Usually leads, one or more, on trailing side to the direction of travel does not wet

Re: 20 mil qfp bridging

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 22:38:44 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| Hello | | Having a problem with bridging on 20mil pitch qfp, only on the lead groups where squeegee goes over width of apertures. Using MPM sp-200 semi-auto, chem-etch stencil, 9-10mil width opening | 100 durometer blade. Getting "tails" on deposi

Changing Ni/Au finish to HASL lead free

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 21 11:49:33 EST 2010 | remullis

1st the buyer shouldn't control the process based on cost. Let them buy stuff and stick to that. 2nd, I do think leveling in th HASL process is important. If you have high spots on pads for fine pitch your wiping away more of that aperture than othe

Changing Ni/Au finish to HASL lead free

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 21 04:09:49 EST 2010 | johanhuizing

0.5 and 0.4 mm pitch, we think we could get problems with the solderpaste stencil. Also some board have keypads and then we have do do partial gold and I think that will not reduce the costs

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