Electronics Forum: 5.91 (Page 1 of 1)

0402 stencil design

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 22:28:16 EST 2003 | davef

You could reduce the paste by about 70%. Solder balling and tombstoning will be the issues to fight. The drivers to these don't change with the component size. Use the fine SMTnet Archives for background. Aperture Size and Thickness of Solder Pas

Heat Sink for QFP

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 28 08:29:04 EST 2006 | davef

Pad design - Standard IPC 20 pitch QFP Thermal pad design - Layout the thermal pad 0mm to 0.15mm larger per side (0mm to 0.30mm larger overall) than the exposed die pad on the package. �Larger than�, as opposed to the same size, is preferred. Obvio


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