Electronics Forum: 615-25 (Page 1 of 1)

Handsoldering/Rework Flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 18 03:11:23 EST 2004 | Sam

Should I have any concerns with operators using flux for handsoldering, straight out of a 25 ltr drum which is not even thinned dowm to the correct SG level. The flux is Alpha 615-25 RMA based and we use it in our wavesoldering process. Thanks in ad

Wavesoldering Defect

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 15 05:15:24 EDT 2004 | Adam

I have chceked the fluxing application, I seem to be getting good consistent coverage across the board using our foam fluxing system. Good flux penetration on the top-side of the through-hole plating, as this was checked using a fax paper.There is no


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