Electronics Forum: 7 zone (Page 1 of 20)

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 16 13:57:48 EDT 2003 | James

Could anyone give me a basic profile temperature settings for a conceptronics 7 zone oven and speed? I have the first couple of zones ramped up to get to the soak temperatures. Is this correct or should I start out with low temperatures and graduall

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 06:58:53 EDT 2003 | sanjeevc

Hi The temprature for the first zone should be more as the PCB entering the oven from the ambient shop floor temprature needs a higher temp.Next zone could be lower than the first zone.The ramp is a relation of conveyor speed and the temp profile.T

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 17 07:17:09 EDT 2003 | James

The main problem I am having is getting the Rising slope 1-3 degrees. If I slow the conveyor down then I have too long of a reflow and if I speed it up then my ramp rate is too high. I was not sure if I need my first zones at a low temp or higher t

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 25 18:17:48 EDT 2003 | Brian W.

Water soluble pastes generally work best with a ramp-to-spike reflow profile. Check your paste manufacturer's recommended profile. There are many factors that impact your profile; board thickness, component density, buried thermal masses, board si

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 26 09:50:05 EDT 2003 | James

To Brian W. I think I will use your concept thanks for the help and from all the others that gave me suggestions. I seem to get best results from a Low temp at first with hardly no soak and just a ramp to spike. Thanks again.

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 25 12:11:43 EDT 2003 | stepheno

We have a 5 zone oven and were starting at 150 which brought it up too fast. Even with only a 5 zone starting at 140 we get the temp up to soaking temp fast enough. ( I think too fast actually) What kind of oven do you have anyways? And I can't

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 09:42:52 EDT 2003 | stepheno

The temprature for the first zone should be less as the PCB entering the oven from the ambient shop floor temprature would suffer a thermal shock from a higher temp. Experience must be gained from profiling a board with thermocouples, otherwise you

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 16 14:39:49 EDT 2003 | stepheno

The second one is typical. The important temperature is the temperature of the joint, not the setting of the oven. The oven setting are only important because they determine the temperature of the joint. If you set the oven to 150, that will be th

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 14:13:51 EDT 2003 | James

So which one is it? I am getting confused a bit because there are so many people doing it different ways. I know with higher temperatures at the begginning you have a chance of shocking the parts but if you dont have the higher temperatures at the

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 25 12:20:03 EDT 2003 | russ

This may make it easy, Do you really need soak? Or can you just ramp to reflow. Most pastes that I am aware of perform just as well using the linear ramp as opposed to the ramp/soak /spike. Now, out of curiosity how are you attaching the thermocou

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