Electronics Forum: 7722 user group (Page 1 of 10)

Multitroniks 2000LVX user group

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 11 14:11:24 EST 1998 | Jim Bussey

We have a 2000LVX and are looking for firms who are currently using this platform to find out how feeders are performing and the overall ability to install 15 mil components.

Zevatech Yahoo Canada users group

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 10:46:09 EDT 2005 | peterdroy

I have created a zevatech users group to help all of us using these machines, for tweaks and fixes or just locating buying trading selling parts and feeders etc Pete Send emails to the group at zevatech@yahoogroups.ca

Zevatech Yahoo Canada users group

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 18:12:05 EDT 2005 | mki

Hi Pete, How can I join to group? Thanks, MK

Zevatech Yahoo Canada users group

Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 09:07:57 EDT 2005 | Proy

Go to yahoogroups.ca and search zevatech or send an email to zevatech@yahoogroups.ca PR

Researching placement machines - where do I start?!

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 15:58:09 EST 2009 | cellis

The biggest thing you will not get is the vision system like this. The 7722 has flying vision for most components and an upward looking vision camera for large components and BGA's. The older Quads had the Quad Align system which is laser vision.

Yahoogroup Started for Assembleon Philips Yamaha SMT machine users

Electronics Forum | Mon May 05 21:31:07 EDT 2014 | davef

Peter is a long-time participant in the Forum. Seven or eight years ago, he started the YahooGroup for Zevatech / Juki users and grew it to 70 - 80 users. When his company moved to Assembleon machines, he turned the management of the Zevatech Group t

sample USER.MCH file for older Phillips CSM 84VIII

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 08 15:57:51 EST 2016 | sarason

Have you tried the Yahoo group PicknPlace, there are several users of the CSM60 and 84 there. https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/PicknPlace/conversations/messages sarason

Where can I discuss PCB design tools on SMTnet forum?

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 03 20:53:47 EDT 2006 | davef

Here is a DipTrace user group: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/diptr/

User / Service Manuals for Yamaha YV100-2 and YVL88?

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 27 08:17:35 EDT 2016 | sarason

Try asking in the yahoo PicknPlace group or alternatively Hawker Richardson in Melbourne Australia https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/PicknPlace/info https://www.hawkerrichardson.com.au sarason

Zevatech FS710 for 0603 assembly

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 10 06:29:45 EST 2015 | sarason

Ask the question in the Yahoo Zevatech group, It has many experienced Zevatech/Juki Users. https://ca.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/zevatech/info My program PCBSynergy will program this machine. pcbsynergy.com regards Sarason

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