Electronics Forum: aim part camera (Page 1 of 49)

FUJI CP642 narrow camera part height limit

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 12 15:35:05 EST 2024 | madisreivik

On my CP642 I got narrow camera for 0201 parts. My question: some thick (2mm+) 0805 components look blurry. Is there a part height limit for the narrow camera ? I noticed that some parts predefined from previous owner were made to wide camera, alth

Top camera inspection and side camera

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 10:26:13 EDT 2010 | fishingfool

Manjunath The top camera will be used for probably 90-95% of your inspection needs. However, without side cameras that 5-10% of uninspected parts can be a real pain to manually verify. What you need to figure out is what is your product to inspe

IP3 parts camera

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 28 09:34:21 EDT 2008 | cyber_wolf

Does anyone have a source to get IP3 parts cameras fixed ? Camera type is FH2048BNA

AOI side camera

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 16 11:39:13 EDT 2010 | markslade

I have a mirtec MV-3L, does any one know, when drawing a component part with varios side angle camera views can i group that part and its camera views to save in the library and if so how?

Calibration method for camera

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 08 23:08:56 EDT 2004 | Ken

Well, the precision glass is for upward looking camera's. It essentially is a "perfect part". Vapor deposition lithography on glass (for Cte stability)....basically the part pattern (or part fids) is compared to its target location (same pattern on

GSM camera lens

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 14 17:36:29 EST 2008 | flipit

SWAG is right on the money. I had a 0.5 mil per pixel camera and a 1 mil per pixel camera. As you increase magnification your focal range goes down. So your part height becomes much more critical. Parts out of focus will be rejected to the dump b

GSM camera lens

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 14 12:28:06 EST 2008 | swag

We are in North Western U.S. I like 2.6 better (for our mix of builds, anyway). 1.0 works great on PTF parts such as fine pitch QFP's but I don't like it for chips. It's too picky and we wind up forcing parts to the 4.0. We have another GSM dual

IP3 parts camera

Electronics Forum | Wed May 07 16:51:24 EDT 2008 | fujillews

Hi I can't offer a repair service but i have many in stock for sale with warranty. please email llew at sales@alternativesmt.com for a quote

HS60 component camera

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 30 21:01:05 EDT 2010 | globalsmtservices

Hi, We deal with Siemens Siplace parts and we have some cameras on stock. Please let us know if you still need a camera and I will send you a list with some of the ones we have and prices. We may also be interested in a swap with your flip-chip came

GSM camera lens

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 14 18:19:35 EST 2008 | geb

Thanks for the info. I use the machine with a 1mil for resistors and capacitors and the machine with the 2.6mil for ICs (both have a 4mil.) This is because the r's & c's seem to benefit from the 1mil, more than IC's. I was thinking of making the mach

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