Electronics Forum | Fri May 02 09:37:23 EDT 2003 | Jerry Magera
Via in pad is the most efficient use of space. Blind via seems to be blamed for this. Cross-sections (send me some) will probably show a void still existing in the via or spherical voids aligned near the component pad side. One can estimate the vo
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 05 15:16:15 EST 2003 | davef
If the voiding is not related to entrapped air in your vias, consider trying a different paste.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 23 11:33:56 EDT 2004 | Ron Herbert
Dreamy, Adding chemistry to the wash section in a cleaner does have its advantages. It reduces the surface tension of the liquid and will remove contaminates such as fingerprints. It does however complicate the process in respect to water treatment
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 21 11:14:25 EDT 2004 | exmaintenanceleader
Dear Kanwaljit Singh, my opinion is following: 1)solderpaste type is ok - usual (alpha-metals has this problem inside the paste paste- holder problem) - what do the operator when production change -clean well the stencil holes!! no visible rest on
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 10:37:10 EDT 2006 | David
Hello all, We have problem with voids in one of our product. We are soldering IC (package SO8) with under the components grounding connection. The ground pad for this component has 3 via holes (before producing we have to cover this 3 holes from b
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 10:29:03 EDT 2006 | Mike
First, Voiding under thermal pad is unavoidable(pardon the pun), unless you can find a way to add sufficient amount of solder paste to cover the area, and match that solder volume on your terminal leads. I build HVM qty's of "QFN" components w/ therm
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 28 17:05:46 EDT 2012 | davef
Here’s what we seem to know: * There’s a problem with voiding in the solder connections of SMT capacitors * A void is an open area caused by air or process fluid that is trapped within a solder connection * Voids are an allowable condition as long as
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 17:43:26 EDT 1998 | Steve A
| Hi, good friends | I found this site is so wonderful to learn SMT techniques meaningfully. | We now employ 3 Fuji GL-541 dispensors and raw material with Soma IR-120. but we found glue string casually. From my experience from trouble-shooting the c
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 09 10:02:10 EST 1998 | Earl Moon
| Does anybody out there have any special insights into utilizing no clean paste in high frequency RF applications? I would imagine there may be some issues with solder balls that would affect functional test (Earl, do you have something for me here?
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 20 14:39:35 EDT 2002 | russ
I use TechSpray Wsol 2204-8SQ. This is a water soluble mask that is very thick and works pretty well for this application. Drying time depends on thickness and you should let it dry at least for a little while prior to running through the wave. Ea