Electronics Forum: air-vac onyx 29 profiling (Page 1 of 1)

Rework Station for Large PCBs

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 23 08:52:20 EDT 2018 | mgerrior

Hey Everyone, looking to purchase a new rework station to support large PCBs. Currently up to a maximum of ~ 21" x 18". Does anyone have experience with any of the following equipment or can recommend from other manufacturers? - VJ: Summit 2200

Re: opinion of these rework stations

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 29 12:51:55 EDT 1999 | Bob Barr

Never heard of the DRS-22C. I have had a DRS-22 for several years now. Purchased it when we started doing BGA's. The operators like it - good optics (split view), built like a tank, X-Y table easy to manipulate for alignment. I like it because I ca

Re: IR Versus Hot Air - Put-Up Your Dukes...........Not a lot of blood guys!!!

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 29 21:18:28 EDT 1999 | Dreamsniper

| | I finaly get a vacation and decide to go to the forum and low and behold it's hot air verses a small ray of sun.I read every thread and still failed to see any real argument either way? I love rework as an assembler. I hate rework as a shop owner

Re: IR Versus Hot Air - Put-Up Your Dukes...........That's better.

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 29 23:57:16 EDT 1999 | Jeff Sanchez

| | I finaly get a vacation and decide to go to the forum and low and behold it's hot air verses a small ray of sun.I read every thread and still failed to see any real argument either way? I love rework as an assembler. I hate rework as a shop owner


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