Electronics Forum: alignement (Page 1 of 111)

Stencil alignement using the 2 cameras

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 15 13:51:56 EDT 2003 | fpcb

hi, we used to place SMDs with adhesive and wave solder machines. Now we try to work with an old stencil printer that we have ane then reflow, and we have no experience.Can anyone tell us by which method stencils are aligned using the 2 cameras of th

Stencil alignement using the 2 cameras

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 15 14:05:12 EDT 2003 | pjc

what is the manufacturer and model of the printer you are planning to use? actually, if its a semi-automatic machine you may not need the cameras to align the stencil to the board. you can "bomb-site" it.

Stencil alignement using the 2 cameras

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 15 14:10:30 EDT 2003 | russ

here is how it is done. 1.Position the stencil in the machine. 2.Position the board onto the PCB tooling as close to being aligned with the stencil as you can. 3.Place mylar or some thin clear material over the board. your printer should have prov

Cyberoptics Flex ultra HR camera alignement and calibration

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 21:37:17 EDT 2021 | ouaret

dear all, update: we got that the calibration of SIM is the problem, the distance between SIMs need to be calibrated. can someone help us get the manual that describe on how to calibrate the SIMs? we have a problem with our cyberoptics AOI machine

BGA Alignment

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 08:34:08 EDT 2012 | almoore

We use a small surface mount connector that has two alignment pins to ensure proper alignment. It works fairly well. I'm thinking that this simple alignment solution might work well with lead less parts like a BGA or QFN. I can hand assemble QFNs

SMT component mis-aligned

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 17 14:42:52 EST 2005 | gregp

I would first check the alignment of the flux capacitor to the roto pluker mechanism.

Solder Mask Alignment

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 03:10:35 EDT 2010 | tennythomas

What is solder mask alignment?

Manual Stencil Alignment

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 27 15:21:28 EDT 2001 | H.Richter

Hello; Can anyone give me advise on the best way to manually align a 20"x20" stencil on a semi-automatic printer? We have a board with a 16 mil pitch QFP and have difficulty aligning the stencil. We have tried various alignment schemes on the pcb an

quad qsv-1 gantry - quad align issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 14:30:09 EST 2008 | operator

Additionally, I have seen the bad align error from incorrect pickup Z. Quad align can freak out sometimes if it sees something it doesn't like. If all else fails I just reboot and 99% of the time the problem goes away.

quad align init problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 23 10:53:24 EDT 2010 | evertonsanches

Hello Sir, in this situation I recommend you to check and reconect the conectors of Quad Align Board and also of Quad Align Sensor. Everton - Brasil

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