Electronics Forum: alpha flux 615 (Page 1 of 20)

Kiss selective solder flux

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 14:19:38 EDT 2019 | gregcr

Thank you ProcEng1 Nordson sent me a flux suggestion list: No Clean: 1. Kester Select 10 2. ALPHA EF-2210 3. AIM FX-16 Water Sol: KESTER 2331-ZX Nozzle Tinning: SUPERIOR #75

Wave flux and profiling

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 19 16:26:24 EST 2006 | samir

Grant, Newer lead-free fluxes have 6%-10% solids content - more activator, therefore leave more "visible" residues. Old technology tin-lead fluxes got down to as low as around the 4%-6% range (I'm going off memory, so me might be wrong)... You'll

solder balls and flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 29 10:14:02 EST 2000 | Robert Hartmann

My company is just getting into the flip chip packaging arena. We are putting in a prototype/small volume wire bond PBGA line. We have some questions with regard to choosing solder balls and cleaning of flux. 1) Is there a formula for the shrink

solder balls and flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 29 10:14:02 EST 2000 | Robert Hartmann

My company is just getting into the flip chip packaging arena. We are putting in a prototype/small volume wire bond PBGA line. We have some questions with regard to choosing solder balls and cleaning of flux. 1) Is there a formula for the shrink

Re: voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 09:33:37 EST 1999 | Chrys Shea

| I require some feed back from any one who knows about using a voc free flux in a nitrogen wave solder machine soldering both through hle and smt componants. | What disadvantages are there when using this flux? | Do you have any contact details with

Re: voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 08:11:27 EST 1999 | George Steele

| | I require some feed back from any one who knows about using a voc free flux in a nitrogen wave solder machine soldering both through hle and smt componants. | | What disadvantages are there when using this flux? | | Do you have any contact detail

Re: voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 05 08:25:31 EDT 1999 | ADRIANO FERNANDES

| | | I require some feed back from any one who knows about using a voc free flux in a nitrogen wave solder machine soldering both through hle and smt componants. | | | What disadvantages are there when using this flux? | | | Do you have any contact

Re: solder balls and flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 29 21:53:46 EST 2000 | Kelvin Chow

Dear Robert, On PBGA assembly, BGA sphere shrinkage number depends to the following factors, a. BGA Sphere size (before reflow) b. Solder mask opening diameter As far as I know, no formular has been established yet. Most of my friends just collect

Re: solder balls and flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 29 21:53:46 EST 2000 | Kelvin Chow

Dear Robert, On PBGA assembly, BGA sphere shrinkage number depends to the following factors, a. BGA Sphere size (before reflow) b. Solder mask opening diameter As far as I know, no formular has been established yet. Most of my friends just collect

BGA Rework - flux dispensinx issue

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 04 09:35:43 EST 2008 | Martin

We are using tucky flux Alpha UP78

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