Electronics Forum: aluminum soldering (Page 1 of 14)

Plating for aluminum wire bonding

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 03 10:38:28 EST 2003 | davef

Electroplated nickel and electroplated gold is the more �traditional� finish for aluminum wire bonding. That surface was an extension of gold thermosonic wire bonding that requires a thick [50 thou min] gold surface. For years fabricators recommend

Reflowing large aluminum electro. caps

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 03 09:29:12 EST 2005 | jdengler

This sounds like you are using a straight ramp profile. For this type of an assembly you may need to use a soak type profile. Most solder paste providers show you both types of profiles that work best with that paste. I would try using that profil

Thermocouple soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 23 19:16:04 EDT 2009 | jmelson

Are you sure there is any "cleaning" needed? Can you see leftover bits of the teflon remaining? If so, work on it with an Xacto knife. But, most thermocouple wires are VERY hard to solder - as in practically impossible. Many of them have aluminum

soldering with Sb (antymony)

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 03 09:54:11 EST 2009 | dwelch123

If your using regular 63/37 Sn/Pb solder there are alot of other metals such as Antimony,Nickel,Iron,Cadmium,Aluminum,Copper,Gold,Bismuth,to name a few. But you need a certain amount of these metals for proper solder composition. Regarding the Antimo

Top preheater for wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 21 10:59:15 EST 2020 | slthomas

I used to work for an OEM that made professional audio equipment (studio monitors, mixing boards, etc.). The mixers required precise alignment of LEDs, switches, and pots in the sheet metal so we used aluminum alignment fixtures during wave solder. T

Aluminium capacitor rotation after soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 22 08:40:18 EDT 2015 | markhoch

Hi Myriam, I think we may need some more information. Is the Electrolytic (Aluminum) Capacitor placed more than once per board? If so, are all locations twisting? This would typically be caused by a thermal imbalance that could be design induced. (u

Selective soldering pallets and solder balls

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 03 11:59:01 EST 2002 | slthomas

We haven't run a profile yet....probably because we're a-feared to. We can't do topside preheating here to any degree because we use an aluminum plate for aligning hundreds of top side through-hole components (pots, switches, buttons, LEDs) that te

Reflow soldering of lead-free components with leaded solder paste

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 23 10:10:32 EST 2024 | emanuel

Well, the story is a little more complicated. The product is also an LED lamp made on an aluminum PCB with the LEDs on one side and the drivers on the other. The board itself is not big, about 90x90mm and most of the components are soldering well. Us

Rework PCB's with coins

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 16:13:00 EDT 2010 | davef

The aluminum material is typically plated by a zincation process, followed by nickel plate and a gold flash layer. What do the soldered side of the component and the soldered side of the aluminum coin look like? Do they both take solder?

what is the cause of green decay on the soldered wires

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 07 11:54:37 EST 2005 | russ

Would you by chance be soldering copper to aluminum?

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