Electronics Forum: aoi options (Page 1 of 12)

aoi inline

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 03 17:00:57 EDT 2001 | mparker

Start with a definition of what you expect the AOI to achieve at each station. Will your in-line machine be post print? Place (pre-reflow) or post reflow? Rather than buy one very expensive machine to put at the end of the line, maybe a couple of

aoi inline

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 22 12:30:34 EDT 2001 | slthomas

Now that's an approach I've never thought of, inspecting a different portion of each board (I'm assuming that you program a few different patterns and run them sequencially, or something like that). I know our stencil printers don't provide that opti

aoi inline

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 03 09:21:08 EDT 2001 | Ian T

hi my company is planing to purchase an aoi system to be used inline. is there anyone out there doing this, if so do you use all the machine options (pattern character recognition, bad board marks, correct part polarity...) or do you dumb it down(pa

AOI -- looking for options

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 16:22:33 EDT 2007 | Miguel Sangabriel

I am looking for an AOI equipment for a 20cm square boards with 600 components, pasives and QFPs. what is in the market for this type of applications. msangabriel@hotmail.com

saving aoi templates

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 16 07:07:42 EDT 2005 | dd

Hello. I would to get any recommendations about saving techniques of aoi templates. Here some options iv thought for: By the number/name of the component By the component type (plcc,bga...) By the GF we get from the camcad files (102,103....) Any oth

AOI vs. electrical test

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 04 12:48:34 EST 2006 | pjc

In-Circuit Test is the best method for ensuring solder joint connections. It is a much more reliable than AOI. An ICT machine can ensure solder connections are made for array package devices such as BGA, PGA, etc... AOI is best for component I.D.- is

AOI Machine Daily Verification

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 11 19:59:40 EST 2015 | dontfeedphils

What exactly are you looking to verify? Following the manufactures recommended schedule for calibration should be enough. Another option is many AOIs have an option to run a bare board, when doing this it will invert what it's looking for, so every

AOI Mirtec make program

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 16 19:17:33 EDT 2016 | padawanlinuxero

First of all Do you have the badmark option on your AOI?

Used Yestech AIO still worth it / supported?

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 08 13:38:50 EDT 2024 | poly

Ahh, so cyberoptics is out too now? I've got a used Koh Young SPI and I'm not sure if the newer software is less horrific but it hasn't made me enthusiastic about their AOI options... once I get it working I might grow to like it though. Mirtec then?

Which AOI machine ?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 13 11:40:57 EDT 2019 | raprite

Hi, I am actually analysing several AOIs for my company. I am evaluating an Omron one, Parmi one and Pemptron one as well. I want the AOI machine works as SPI as well. The only one that has this option (AOI 3D + SPI), is Pemptron one. Do you have

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