Electronics Forum: aoi running slowly (Page 1 of 24)


Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 23 13:08:47 EDT 2002 | dragonslayr

Daan has made a valid point with regards to expertise and use of a machine. Yet I recognize that with advanced technology, trades must occur. A hghly sophisticated AOI unit can and will help reduce overall cost of production. Therefore, a need to ha


Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 19 21:46:01 EDT 2002 | scottefiske

In the past year I was responsible for developing and leading a Team focused on AOI, Evaluation, Justification, and with a full ROI required, supporting a HMLV manufacturing environment. If you have in these economic times the additional resources t

aoi inline

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 03 17:00:57 EDT 2001 | mparker

Start with a definition of what you expect the AOI to achieve at each station. Will your in-line machine be post print? Place (pre-reflow) or post reflow? Rather than buy one very expensive machine to put at the end of the line, maybe a couple of

aoi inline

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 22 12:30:34 EDT 2001 | slthomas

Now that's an approach I've never thought of, inspecting a different portion of each board (I'm assuming that you program a few different patterns and run them sequencially, or something like that). I know our stencil printers don't provide that opti

Is anyone running 36in or larger boards thru SMT?

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 29 11:33:40 EST 2015 | g2garyg2

PROMATION has recently installed several production lines this year for 48 inch long LED PCB panel production. There are solutions available from Screen Printing, Pick and Place, AOI, as well as a full line of handling solutions. www.PROMATIONUSA.com

Omniflo 5 conveyor

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 23 23:21:10 EST 2006 | AR

100 cm/min) the motor runs without complaint. Too bad we run the conveyor as slowly as 10 cm/min... I'll try replacing the control board next when I get my hands on one.

Yestech, YesTek, ScanSpection?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 05 03:06:56 EDT 2012 | eniac

Yes, I have experience with table model of ScanSpection. Machine work fast, but process of job program making is very slowly. If you each time have elements from one supplier - this machine for you. But if you have many suppliers of components - it's

Is there Anyone that works on Jot conveyors

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 12 17:35:54 EDT 2013 | buckcho

Hello, try loosing up the belt. If they are too tight it can cause the conveyor to run slowly or even to damage the motor.

Accuracy Requirements for New Technology

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 11 08:39:41 EDT 2005 | Grant

Hi, Yes, it's going to be hard. I was thinking a high end fine pitch placer could place the fine pitch accurately, and then slowly do the passives. That might do the trick, but unless he's prepared to spend at least half a million, it's going to jus

Blurry and double vision with Samsung CP40-LV

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 17 09:04:17 EST 2010 | wolverine

We have an older model CP40-LV that will start out the day with blurry and double vision, then after about twenty minutes of just idling, the vision slowly improved until the machine could find the board fiducials and do a passable placement job. Th

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