Electronics Forum: aoi shift (Page 1 of 3)

AOI vs. electrical test

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 04 09:05:53 EST 2006 | stepheniii

Your process makes a bigger difference. What I have seen is ICT done early is better than AOI done more than a half shift later, and AOI done early is better than ICT done more than a half shift later. For high mix/low volume, I would go with AOI whi

Whats new in 3D AOI?

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 27 05:45:20 EDT 2017 | pavel_murtishev

methos1979, 1. Mirtec, Marantz 2. Koh Young, Orbotech, Mirtec 3. Koh Young Zenith 4. Definitely Programs for 3D AOI are prepared really faster. Having defined component database, programming takes no more than a couple of hours. Fine tuning takes u


Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 05 00:58:44 EDT 2006 | pavel_murtishev

Could you release shift key? :)

New Facility Advise/Questions

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 17 13:56:43 EST 2019 | kylehunter

right, so for the main one, we will operate it in between it, and the tables against the wall. We plan on adding SPI/AOI to the main line, with the oven staying put, and the rest shifting downward. Question: 1) Landlord wants fewest holes in the r

What to measure at an AOI

Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 14:21:22 EDT 2003 | swagner

Thanks for the clarification, I have worked with both application, especially pre reflow. The data you should consider collecting pre reflow is missing, skew degrees, x,y shift, bill boarding, polarity and match the failure data (ref. desg.) to feed

AOI for defect detection at soldering process

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 21 18:43:23 EDT 2006 | SD

Sorry, I have not read the article. However, I do have five years experience constantly tweaking an AOI system that ran ONE product! The strength of the machine was solder inspection. The biggest problem was component color variation and shadowing

AOI systems

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 28 14:38:07 EST 2001 | CAL

Phil- A Technology you may want to give serious consideration is the Original Solutions UV-OS-1. No gold PCB's, 100% accurate,and a Money back guarantee - IMPRESSIVE! We did the studies on the Original Solutions Boards and were amazed with the techno

Reflow CFM Too High (FPM above 4000!! target=1433)

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 22 03:11:53 EDT 2007 | vlazern

Our Heller oven is functioning well. However, we see defects from the oven, such as shifted coil inductor components, and missing chip components from time to time. When we re-scan the board at the AOI, the defect was not present at that stage,hence

Post reflow solder joint inspection

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 12:39:20 EST 2004 | paul_bmc

We had the data at the time and it was quite high. More false calls then anything. I do not have the data anymore it since has been archived. When the system was introduced we had 1 engineer and 2 operators trained for programming and running the

A.O.I - Design - Brainstorm

Electronics Forum | Thu May 12 11:02:48 EDT 2005 | deyo

I've looked at a lot of AOI's in the past couple years. First and formost KEEP IT SIMPLE! Second clamp the boards down this will aid in keeping the camera feild of veiw stable, most that I've looked at this was an option not a stock feature. Also sid

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