Electronics Forum: are solder balss acceptable (Page 1 of 1)

Dross produced, are we in or out?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 24 13:34:34 EDT 2005 | pr

We have done exhaustive studies and found the "smell and gag and kill operators" is acceptable and is more than offset by the solder saved!

should gold pads be pretinned, what issues are known are there?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 15:13:17 EDT 2002 | davef

Effects of Gold (Au) on Solder Properties Concentration Range in Weight Percentage w/o Au in Sn63/Pb37 Solder [A Sugarman/Loranger] * 2.0 - 3.0% Spreadability and fluidity of solder reduced (1) * 3.0% Highest acceptable concentration of Au in solder


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