Electronics Forum: asm530 semiconductor spare parts (Page 1 of 1)

Used Equipment Support (Registration?)

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 02 11:38:02 EST 2002 | fastek

Frank- Your point about the OEM's trying to help a small company with thoughts of bigger and better things in the future is a valid point. I've had that same argument with the OEM's for years but for different reasons. You're still missing the poin

Info on MYDATA

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 00:06:56 EDT 2007 | grantp

Hi, I can understand the problem of export from the US to Syria, as we are not US based, however almost all our components are supplied by US based companies, and are from US based manufacturers such as Analog Devices, National Semiconductor, ST Ele

Re: environmental contraints in manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 14:57:34 EDT 2000 | Lee

Mike, when you ask if companies afford to place additional environmental constraints on the manufacturing process, perhaps we should ask whether they can afford not to pay attention to environmental issues. I know this sounds a little flippant, but i

Re: DFM / DFT information

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 13 22:20:38 EDT 2000 | Dave F

=10 mils larger than lead 3 silk screen legend text weight >=10 mils 4 pads >=15 mils larger than finished hole sizes 5 place through hole components on 50 mil grid 6 no silk screen legend text over vias (if vias not solder masked) or holes 7 so


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