Electronics Forum: assembly aides (Page 1 of 6)

THT manual assembly worker instructions

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 26 17:00:15 EST 2008 | slthomas

I haven't had the luxury of machine based pth assembly in quite a while, but when I did, given that the machines control which parts are inserted (and to a lesser degree where they are inserted) we decided not to perform inspection on that part of th

THT manual assembly worker instructions

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 10:04:08 EST 2008 | scotceltic

There are various software programs out there to aid in the creation of visual aids for manual assy. and other steps in the process. We currently use Circuitcam (Aegis). It helps us create color coded (by part number) visual aids for the whole proc

THT manual assembly worker instructions

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 17:01:38 EST 2008 | slthomas

In that case the same tools can apply, just different implementation. We might use any a number of visual aids for an assembly, one for each component type (resisors, capacitors, ICs, etc.). In the case you're describing we might color code the lo

Re: Bare PWB bake out during circuit assembly

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 05 21:22:34 EST 1999 | chartrain

Amazing in today's technology that people still bake because "that's the way we've alawys done it". Baking is a band aid for poor manufacturing of the PCB. Moisture can become trapped between the layers during buildup. This moisture when it contacts

Jumper Wire Assembly Aids

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 09:39:22 EST 2004 | Ron W

Counting leads to attach jumper wires, especially on large, fine pitch quads can be quite a challenge. Is anyone aware of any kinds of assembly aids that would assist in this process? I was thinking of inspection templates with the particular lead(s)

Jumper Wire Assembly Aids

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 10:20:30 EST 2004 | Ken

If an OEM and room is available on the PCB....have pin location aids silk screened on the boards. Groups of 10 are typical. might look like 1.........10.........20.........30 continue this around the device. Otherwise, ???

3D Printers

Electronics Forum | Fri May 31 18:33:30 EDT 2013 | caurbach

We are considering purchasing a 3D printer for fixture/assembly aid creation and probably some other uses we never even thought of. Anyone have any experience or thoughts they'd like to share?

Re: tape and reel machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 20 08:50:58 EDT 2000 | Mike Keogh

Ref.message from Chris McDonald,CORRECTION... VTECH SMT LTD. of Stirling, Scotland are an award winning supplier to major 'Blue Chip' companies and should in no way be confused with V-Tek inc. as intimated in chris's message. To date we have never su

Pick and Place vs CAD File

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 22 14:01:23 EDT 2017 | slthomas

In my experience the main advantage of the ASCII CAD format is that it combines the centroid data, rotations, and package information for your CAM software (at least it does for what we use) to draw the part shapes into the visual assembly aids. If

PCB/PCBA deflection standard

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 12:34:13 EST 2022 | jseewald

Generally, a well-designed assembly should not require man-handling of the PCB to the point where it is deflecting like this. Is the housing too small? What kind of clearance do you have and is there anything you can do to alleviate the issue (clos

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assembly aides searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Golden State Assembly
Golden State Assembly

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