Electronics Forum: ati (Page 1 of 2)

ATI Conveyors

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 01 13:52:02 EDT 2005 | cyber_wolf

Can anyone tell me where I can get pieces parts for ATI conveyors ?

FUJI CP42, CP643

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 15 09:07:52 EDT 2012 | tommyttr

Greg Fraizer is who you need. Give him a call at ATI services.

ATI Conveyors

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 01 15:26:09 EDT 2005 | fastek

I've got a few junked ones laying around. What do you need? fastek@comcast.net

ATI Conveyors

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 06 06:50:50 EDT 2005 | g2garyg2

I have some conveyors also. Transfers, turns, etc. Please let me know vintage and I will see if I can help. g2garyg2 at ix.netcom.com Gary

Conveyors and bar code

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 25 08:12:16 EDT 2006 | davef

Leading conveyor manufacturers are ATI, Conveyor Technology, Crown Simplimatic, Dynapace, Flextek, Fuji, Jot, Kanetic, Panasonic, and Process Control.

ATI Conveyor Smema Question

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 08 10:57:16 EST 2008 | bobpan

We have a conveyor that has phone jack plugs for the next and previous. Does anyone have any experience making the conveyor work with another machine that has normal smema. Thanks

Dice cut machine (Depanelization machine) for USB application

Electronics Forum | Fri May 21 20:48:09 EDT 2004 | My Nguyen

I read the messsages but I did not meet my need. We currently have Excellon and ATI machines. They work ok for thick boards (40 mils and above) but for thin, small boards (15-20 mils and USB side dimension), it did not fulfill our needs. So, pleas

ATI Conveyor Smema Question

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 08 17:46:38 EST 2008 | swag

If the phone jacks have two conductors in them, I would wire them to standard SMEMA connectors so that the upstream side goes to the middle two SMEMA pins and downstream goes to the outermost two pins. If there are 4 conductors in the phone jacks, y

BGA reballing tool

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 22 08:10:24 EDT 2009 | olsa

Hello, this is my first question. More than 10 years my job was mobile phones repair, and for BGA repairing proces I used special template stencil, soldering paste and flux. Right now my job is notebook repair, and I'm interested about reballing of

Testing effect of non-clean flux residue on solder joints

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 05 03:58:10 EST 2019 | pcformax

Hello guys, In our company we use CS-FLUX for reballing purposes in the last two years and we have no complain about the product.if you want to see details about the product there is a very helpful tutorial in youtube named 'ATI GPU removal with the

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