Electronics Forum: ati 24 point to point conveyor (Page 1 of 3)

gerber converter to centroid

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 20 11:37:24 EDT 2006 | avalancher

If i'm not mistaken, wasn't this 'Unicam' at one point in time?

Poor wetting to palladium

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 29 12:42:24 EST 2001 | davef

Several points about your query are: * TI�s solderability protection specification is a minimum of 3 u" of palladium over 40-60 u" of nickel plate over a http://www.ti.com/sc/docs/products/logic/package/palladm/index.htm

SAC305 soldering to 58Bi/42Sn

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 24 11:44:12 EST 2009 | mikesewell

I think you're okay reworking with SAC305 but rework with SnPb will result in a SnPbBi alloy with a lowered melting point that may pose reliability concerns. As far as suitability of 58Bi42Sn goes - depends on your requirements.

Conversion from SAC305 to SN100C

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 04 10:24:05 EST 2009 | dyoungquist

We use SN100C in our selective solder process. The 3 keys to proper hole fill are applying a proper amount of flux, heating of the pcb and solder temperature. If either the pcb or solder is not hot enough, you may not get good hole fill. To adjus

soldering to thick gold plating

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 11 20:13:05 EDT 2006 | davef

We agree with Chunks. You need to turn-up the heat [slow the conveyor] because you have significantly changed the melting point of the solder alloy by adding so much gold. Relative to ENIG you should expect: * Similarly smooth surface, possibly a l

changing from no-clean to clean

Electronics Forum | Tue May 21 00:24:34 EDT 2002 | ianchan

yngwie, Hi mate, and Holy Crap! what a blooming pile of 7 feet dung you have sitting on your front lawn! ok, we had a customer SQE like that before, fortunately she was promoted from SQE to purchasing officer. and in the name of universal sharing,

PTF, how to feeder teach universal instruments

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 25 11:55:22 EST 2022 | poly

So I'm attempting to run feeder teach for my platform tray feeder... but I've got no idea what first point I should teach is... normal is the end pin of the feeder but this is for the ptf conveyor... so I've got no idea. If I just teach each corner

ICT testing to improve yields

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 27 08:58:24 EDT 2012 | rway

Reese, > > We would agree about the value of an > ICT system, in a general manufacturing > environment. However, a couple of notes > apply: > > 1. ICT isn't a catch-all, either, and > should be used to verify the process, not > validate it.

How to evaluate or ciertify 0402 parts

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 18 14:53:24 EDT 2000 | Ricardo Fuentes

Hi, could someone tell me how may I certify or evaluate 0402 parts on SMT process, waht are the main points I have to check. Thanks

Procedure to evaluate a reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Thu May 27 16:23:12 EDT 2004 | davef

Process Trials Procedures. Standard trials are often conducted on reflow ovens by production engineers during product assessment, machine approval or in process set-up. The following trials are also used by machine suppliers during equipment develop

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