Electronics Forum: automatic glass screen printing machine hsd-asp1726sd (Page 1 of 5)

Re: Information about screen printing

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 05:16:48 EDT 1998 | M. Fajar Nur Arief

| | I am writing a report about screen printing. | | Does anyone know where I can find information about | | screen printing and screen printing machines? | Pete, | Try www.dek.com and www.mpmcorp.com | These guys are the biggest automatic printer

Re: Information about screen printing

Electronics Forum | Fri May 08 17:12:00 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

| I am writing a report about screen printing. | Does anyone know where I can find information about | screen printing and screen printing machines? Pete, Try www.dek.com and www.mpmcorp.com These guys are the biggest automatic printer mfrs. in th

Re: Information about screen printing

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 23 11:11:35 EDT 1998 | Russ Miculich

Hi Guys, Don't forget about us. Visit our web site. www.smtech.com for info on printers that compete with DEK and MPM and are newly designed. Contact me via email or give me a call to discuss what it is about screen printing (not stencil printing?

screen printer - vision

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 13:27:36 EDT 2004 | Kirk

Is it possible to put PCB to the screen printer with vision and on the board put sheet of paper then make print on the paper and it is the reference then i teach vision for example fine pitch aperture then remove paper and align PCB? We have semi-a

screen printer - vision

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 10:49:05 EDT 2004 | pjc

Yes, using an illuminated magnifing glass helps. How well your board fixuring is on the table will effect print alignment on other boards loaded. 0.5mm & 0.4mm will require very good fixuring, like you can get with tooling pins if the board has non-p

Smallest screen printer semi/auto

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 05 07:14:04 EDT 2021 | oxygensmd

The question is that what do you want? An automatic/semi-automatic machine or a hand-prototyping printer? Using metal-sheet or complete (framed) stencil? Manual printing: For example, Eurocircuit's eC-stencil is pretty nice or there are cheap hand-s

Re: screen printer x axis

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 11:53:41 EDT 1999 | Scott S. Snider

| HI everyone, | | We are using a Siemens ap-25 screen printer, in the past we have not had any problems with adhesive placement until a couple of weeks ago. It seems the x axis has decided that it should be set somewhere between .00085 and .001

Re: screen printer x axis

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 21:51:27 EDT 1999 | harry

| | HI everyone, | | | | We are using a Siemens ap-25 screen printer, in the past we have not had any problems with adhesive placement until a couple of weeks ago. It seems the x axis has decided that it should be set somewhere between .00085 an

Benefit of GridLok screen printer ?

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 11 17:06:27 EST 2020 | silverlead

I have worked with both Gridlock and conventional pin support mostly on DEK machines. Gridlock allows to reduce greatly changeover time in hi mix/low volume environment when switching sides on double sided boards. It also eliminates guesswork when ma

Re: Screen printing the board from........

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 23:52:26 EST 1998 | Ron Costa

| Hi Ron, | Your question really opens up a "Pandora's box", but when you say you're not able to print perfectly, what is it exactly that you mean? Is the print lacking volume? Is it mis-registered? Are you bridging? Also, what printers have you used

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