Electronics Forum: automatic ic programming machine (Page 1 of 18)

ic programming problems

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 29 08:37:04 EDT 2003 | davef

From a data sheet [we know it's not Cypress ]: AMD PALCE16V8 Family EE CMOS 20-Pin Universal Programmable Array Logic Programming and Erasing The PALCE16V8 can be programmed on standard logic programmers. It also may be erased to reset a previously c

Re: SMT/TH machine programming

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 03 00:17:21 EDT 1999 | JAX

You use MCS computers to transmit programs/data to machines | | --> MCSs are getting old, so you would like to use F4G or FujiCam just because you could use a standard 486/Pentium | | --> But you still like your current programming SW (obviously not

Re: SMT/TH machine programming

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 02 16:55:04 EDT 1999 | Brian

You use MCS computers to transmit programs/data to machines | --> MCSs are getting old, so you would like to use F4G or FujiCam just because you could use a standard 486/Pentium | --> But you still like your current programming SW (obviously not MCS/

Re: automatic stencil printers

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 13 14:03:33 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| We are looking to automate the paste printing portion of our SMT process. We are looking at used equipment from DEK and MPM from 1994 onward.(DEK 260 & 265 MPM AP20 & AP27) Does anyone have some feedback or concerns with any of these machines? Does

Questions about automatic X-ray inspection (AXI) machines.

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 27 17:32:51 EST 2016 | billthebuilder

We do High Mix, Low Volume and are looking for the best inline AXI with the criteria of industry-leading automation capabilities. The abilities to program offline, automatic conveyor width adjustment and board alignment are important to us. We want t

Philips Topaz programming question

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 17:16:14 EDT 2007 | wayne123

put the tubed parts on the side of the machine that is desired and then when optomizing in the condition portion set it to "feeders move within table" simply setting it to feeders move will result in the parts moving from front to rear and visa versa

Mirtec programming discussion

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 11 12:13:16 EST 2011 | methos1979

Fortunately for me, we do not use Repair Plus so I can't comment on how well that works with the newest software. I have been thinking of doing the html saving though so my engineering and management team, especially those located off-site, can revi

AOI machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 01 22:10:55 EDT 2002 | ianchan

Hi mates, anyone has practical hands-on experience for the "Vectron" AOI machine, model: K2-AOI? appreciate any hands-on experiences shared on this issue. seeking everyone's comments +ve or -ve about this machine, based on its : 1) user-friendly f

Need low cost pick and place machine for limited production

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 11 17:36:44 EDT 2009 | dyoungquist

You are looking for a complete SMT assembly line plus possible X-Ray inspection and rework equipment. The 3 components of the SMT line are stencil printer, pick-n-place machine and reflow oven. How small are your components? 0603? 0402? What is the

Re: Placement machine component management

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 02 11:41:26 EST 1998 | Scott Cook

| Hello, | We are currently trying to design and ultimately implement a system that will be able to count and manage component placement for three Sanyo chipshooters on three SMT lines. | As the number of components decreases in the reels we want to

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