Electronics Forum: automobile (Page 1 of 3)

Dust Level of SMT Floor

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 13 03:13:24 EDT 2010 | mskler

Thanks for reply. Is there any Standard for automobile industry.

Plasma Surface Pretreatment

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 13 20:49:50 EST 2014 | creating

Creating Nano Technologies Inc, Plasma Surface Pretreatment equipment widely used in automobile applications before printing, coating and bonding. Automobile application: 1. Headlamp and tail lamp 2. Car interior part and exterior par

Use and Restrictions of solder containing lead

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 05 06:03:49 EDT 2003 | iman

Japan and Europe are the main champions for the leadfee solder initiative. USA join in due to global political efforts as one of the cub scout leaderships. Military and Automobile industrial-electronics is exempt from the leadfree directive. Reason

Dream Machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 29 14:50:49 EDT 2001 | dougt

Imagine shopping for a machine like an automobile. Your able to go for a test drive with out a week long class and the gas mileage they advertise is realistic and comparable from machine to machine. All machines have similar options that weren't ju

Ceramic capacitors cracking

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 15 06:40:14 EST 2003 | Hans Koerner, Germany

It is a serius problem with that mulilayer ceramic caps! In automotive applications you have to use 2 in series for one single cap. During depanelizing you create a mechanically wave in the board, so 3.. 4 mm. Best way is not to do such a wrong desig

Component classification - What is Class 1,2,3?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 04 17:32:20 EDT 2009 | bigdaddysoy9

If you are talking about assemblies, Class 1 is like cheap toys or something you wouldn't expect to last very long. Class 2 would be components for a television, air conditioner, automobile (except safety critical). Basically, things that you would b

Re: Need PCB and housing manufacturing for the OBD II scanner

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 26 22:47:42 EDT 2020 | autolab

Hello, We would like to manufacture the OBD II port automobile scanner from your firm. What we need from you? To manufacture the PCB, stuffed the components inside and manufacture the housing. Manufacture few samples, then thousands. What we h

What is bebind the global chip crisis?

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 13:26:10 EDT 2021 | amaliahx

The pandemic has altered people's habits, causing a surge in demand for home electronic devices. This has swept the global chip supply and disrupted automobile manufacturing. The pandemic has led to the global shortage of semiconductors or chips, and

Re: Thermal fatigue of solder joints

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 09:10:30 EDT 2000 | ptvianc

I am not familiar with the "HALT" terminology. Do you mean HAST testing? As for thermal fatigue, the most severe conditions are typically those cited for military and/or satellite applications. There are several temperature ranges that are used to

BGA solder joint VS. X-Ray machine capability

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 11:40:50 EST 2001 | caldon

Your broad question will bring many answers.You do not mention PCB type which plays a key part in the inspection specs you look for. Your question is like asking "What is the best automobile?" You will have 1,000,000 answers. Best answered this way:

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