Electronics Forum: aways (Page 1 of 181)

Winamp RIP

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 20 17:19:36 EST 2013 | davef

Sorry to see an old friend go away. A couple of weeks ago, Lou Reed passed away. Now this ...

Re: Wave Soldering 0.050 pitch connector

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 28 10:24:56 EDT 2000 | Ben

Try to insert thin copper plate (approx. 1.5mm thk) at the end of the flow direction. Place it approx. 2mm away from the lead. The copper will pull away the solder & thus minimise bridging problem.

Metal foil is pulling away from the screen.

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 19 11:46:56 EST 2001 | bphilips

We use an ultrasonic stencil cleaner (not Smart Sonic) and have problems with stencils falling apart. The metal foil is pulling away from the screen. Is this a common problem with ultrasonic stencil cleaners?

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 10 03:14:19 EDT 2001 | winnifred

Steven, Dave is right, wash them away. Since it is RMA paste, you may need to have a saponifier to go for Semi-aqueous washing. Or you may want to contact your supplier for a cleaner to wash it away with some agitation ( ultrasonic). Mag.

quad 4c

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 15 14:06:08 EST 2002 | Claude_Couture

From personal experience with 4c's: run away as fast and as far away from them as you can. These will bring you nothing but grief.

Aqueous Board Cleaning

Electronics Forum | Mon May 19 19:32:50 EDT 2003 | Dave

Hello. We have a low profile LCC on a board. The clearance is ~ 2mils after reflow. Cleaning away residual flux with an ultrasonic 50C water cleaner caused some LCC and 0201 components to loosen. Should we stay away from the ultrasonic cleaner?

MPM screen printer

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 07:06:21 EDT 2004 | Claude_Couture

With the machine off, try to move all axes manually away from any limits, i.e.: away from the end of their course. Some machine can't deal with having axes at limit when you turn them on.

Wave Solder

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 22 14:19:29 EDT 2011 | cbeneat

Patrick, It actually seems to go away after every adjustment. Whether it's flux, heat, doesn't matter but it always reappears. The part that has me baffled is the fact that another identical part is approx. 4 mm away, and never affects this one.

Reflow BGA with A Metal top

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 29 09:16:51 EST 2013 | jagriffin

Can you give me any more information on how they take heat differently? Do they get hotter? Pull heat away from the PCB? Heat more even and pull heat away from the surface? Thanks, June

estop error wont go away on vitronics delta max

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 15 12:07:13 EDT 2018 | fern

My company is hooking up a delta max wave solder machine but we can seem to get the estop error to go away any one have a any experience with this issue.

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