Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 04 04:58:23 EDT 2008 | stiva
Hi Sound like the same problem that i had. The machine after it had warmed up when initialising would drive the z rod down with the quadalign on checking for the nozzle height (I think). To me it seemed like an overheating problem as after allowin
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 04 11:01:44 EST 2013 | bobpan
The way its supposed to work...is....when you do a function 30 the z axis should step down until the nozzle tip is seen in the quad align or laser align. The readout should have a nozzle height but if its the earlier firmware for the machine it might
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 05 19:00:18 EST 2013 | marcelorotofrance
I found problem, it was a faulty connector on the align processor card. So, Mr. Bobpan, I thank you very much for your invaluable guidance. P.S. My employer has been very clever and have purchased a 18 years old/ 25000 run hours/ third-hand equipmen
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 28 22:42:34 EDT 2023 | unsung
I work on a few of these Universal machines before. Check your severos ( I believe their 6 of them ) in the back of the machines all of them should be on. If you see a red light on one of them it's gone bad and that's your Y axis card. It's easy to
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 22 10:19:57 EST 2010 | swag
Check/reseat all connections on axis driver card and from driver card to step motor. On older MpM's it is common to get a bad connection on the connector for axis driver power and blow components on your driver board. Reseating these connectors mig
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 10 13:08:21 EDT 2023 | ttheis
Thanks, I do recall reading about loading firmware onto some of the VME cards (VRM axis controllers I believe.) I will review this again. I agree that it seems to be some issue with reading axis position after hitting the home switch. The first thin
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 28 13:58:41 EST 2019 | oxygensmd
1. switch the axis cards 2. switch the axis servo cards 3. make sure the distance between scale and encoder is 400um 4. check the signal by oscilloscope, adjust to have the right signal 5. replace the scale or encoder
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 06 16:48:01 EDT 2019 | linux
Change SCU card with next module, reboot. Zero set Send proper
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 07 17:17:43 EDT 2023 | ttheis
We swapped the Y1 and Y2 pc800 controllers with no change. We swapped out the UIMC III-I cards from another machine with no change. VRM amps all look OK, no errors. The machine moves the head both in the x and y directions during the zeroing attemp
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 07 20:43:59 EST 2017 | youngbuck
Does anyone know if there is a way around replacing the entire y axis tape measure scale for one scratch in it ,it can't read.Ive changed reader, y axis servo cards, taxis reader card.Any help would be appreciated.Thank you.