Electronics Forum: baking qfp (Page 1 of 5)

Baked Components

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 15 22:35:54 EDT 2002 | Brandon

I've done some experiments on baking parts as we got pop corning QFP's on our production line. This QFP has moisture level of 5 and I baked them @ 125'C for minimum of 12 hrs. So far results were great but I have a question: Forum says that I cannot

Baking Components - query

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 11 12:02:32 EDT 2010 | smt_guy

Hi, we have been baking parts like QFP's and BGA once they past MSL requirements. But now I have some SOIC's with MSL 3 Rating that needs to be baked. I wonder if I can bake them together with the PVC Antistatic Tubes. Can these tubes withstand the

BGA Baking in Reels?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 15:09:43 EST 2008 | chef

Don't do it.!!!! Are you nucking futs? Why is pre-bake required? Are you producing in high humidity? Is the package of the device poroues enough to suck in moisture? Think, consider you will not get an even "bake", the outside of the reel will get

Baking assemblies after ultrasonic water wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 11 10:02:36 EDT 2009 | dyoungquist

Our cleaning process involves the assemblies being completely immersed in the water bath of the ultrasonic cleaner. The assembly has a QFP44 on it. Customer stated that when these assemblies have been cleaned with water in the past (at a different

Re: Baking Components ?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 30 17:22:48 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| | Surface Mount Components like QFP's in Tray usually comes sealed in an anti-static plastic pack. In case the QFP's were removed from the said anti-static bag for more than 2 weeks, do these components needed to be baked for they might produce so

Baking Components ?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 30 16:43:28 EDT 1999 | Dreamsniper

Surface Mount Components like QFP's in Tray usually comes sealed in an anti-static plastic pack. In case the QFP's were removed from the said anti-static bag for more than 2 weeks, do these components needed to be baked for they might produce solder

Re: Help... Need new or used SOIC-16 metal tubes - Do You Really??

Electronics Forum | Tue May 05 15:45:37 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| Looking to buy used or new tubes, that will fit an SOIC-16 | Need these tubes ASAP. We need to bake these parts and drypack. | Please email or call if you can help. | Eric Jenkins | 801 956-0897 Eric I'm not sure of the manufacturer of the parts th

PWAs & PWB bake out requirements

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 18 08:40:34 EDT 2007 | davef

Here's how to double reflow your QFP: * Reflow the first side with the QFP according to plan. * Paste second side and place components according to plan. * Lightly crinkle a small, QFP-size piece of aluminum foil. [Note: the degree of crinklization

Re: Floating 144-pin QFPs

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 19 05:25:07 EST 1998 | karlin

| | We are experiencing 'lifting' on one or more sides of a QFP. Poor lead co-planarity has been ruled out by independent tests. Please tell me which of the two remaining failure modes is the most probrable? | | | | 1. Expansion of gases in vias und

Baking requirement

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 10 11:55:58 EDT 2002 | Yngwie

Temp/Humidity requirement for baking normally specified at : Low Temp baking : 40 deg C at 5% RH High temp Baking: 125 Deg C at 5% RH. The problem here is the 5% ? Although the 5% is achievable with a special Oven, can someone explain why is it 5%

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