Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 12 07:03:26 EDT 2011 | mosborne1
Can you post a picture? There are many reasons why they probably don't fill. There needs to be a larger surface area on the ring on top. There could be debris in the via holes from not properly drilled or cleaned before plating process. Your customer
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 18 22:24:25 EST 2005 | davef
For comparisons of flying probe versus bed of nails in-circuit test (ICT), look here: * http://evaluationengineering.com/archive/articles/1100ate.htm * http://www.emtonthenet.net/techfeatures/200404april/technicalarticle_Technology_03.htm * http:/
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 14:08:08 EST 2010 | sparky_
Greetings, We are looking to purchase equipment to rework / repair our circuit boards with BGAs. Our newer boards are starting to have more and more BGAs. Is there any information that "ranks" BGA rework stations? - a kind of a consumer reports for
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 10 22:50:25 EDT 2007 | grantp
Hi, Thanks guys for the info, appreciate it. I will check these guys out! Grant
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 09 23:28:08 EDT 2007 | grantp
Hi, We are looking for a supplier for bed of nails test jigs. We have a supplier we currently use, however they are always weeks late, so we really need someone else. Does anyone know of good suppliers? Also, does anyone know if you can get test j
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 10 09:48:24 EDT 2007 | davef
Here's some good information on test probes: http://archive.chipcenter.com/circuitcellar/november99/c119r18.htm
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 10 13:54:18 EDT 2007 | dphilbrick
We use Value Engineering. Used them since 1997. Great guys and always prompt. VALUE Engineering 7910 South Memorial Pkwy Suite F Huntsville, AL 35802 (256) 880-8082 Vaughan Carlson E-mail: vaughanc@valueeng.com
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 17 08:20:47 EST 2004 | Chunks
Pros are no need to clean after reflow. No need to buy a cleaner or worry about "wet" parts afterwards when you're trying to test your unit. Cons are that most leave a bit of a residue behind. It's harmless but may drive your bed-of-nails tester a
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 27 17:08:15 EST 2006 | GS
3,5 ugr/cm2 NaCl) or power components, or Raw PCB. Nothing with the solder process or fluxes. Ion Chromatography analysis was necessary to help understanding of contamination origin. When occasionally we run TIC on a NC assembled PBA (Paste ROL0 or
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 04 20:16:02 EST 2001 | Mike Konrad
Hi Cory, As a manufacturer of aqueous cleaning systems, my advise is somewhat biased, however I believe it to be accurate. We have hundreds of customers who have implemented no-clean programs. The programs have been successful when measuring the r