Electronics Forum: benchtop reflow soldering oven comparison (Page 1 of 3)

First time with reflow oven....

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 12:59:26 EST 2003 | matherat

The assembly process involves activity before you get to reflow. Reflowing is the easy part. Putting paste down and placing parts in wet paste is the terrifying part. Benchtop reflow ovens can be a real handy tool for small production but with the g

First time with reflow oven....

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 22:59:33 EST 2003 | davef

As others have stated, there are a few other things in the aveage assembly shop that are much more scary that a reflow oven. For instance, we have a wonderful wave soldering machine and w've been doing that kind of stuff for tens of years, but every

SMT hand soldering on HASL or Ni-Au boards?

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 03 22:03:18 EDT 2001 | davef

With friends like you, who needs enemies? I�d guess that the perceived benefits of flat pads for your 20 mil pitch and below components counter-balance the higher cost, gold being a solder pot contaminant, limited solder mask compatibility, potentia

What is the best Low Volume Reflow System

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 07 11:46:25 EST 2013 | jasowiii

Does anyone have advice about the best low volume (hopefully under $10K) reflow system for SN96 or SAC305 solder? We recently purchased a benchtop IR oven and it is not working well. Jim


Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 13 15:16:12 EST 2004 | drewhmi

A small benchtop system uses a mask, tooled for your part, to arrange the solder spheres onto the BGA, after it has had the excess solder heat-vacuumed off and a new layer of flux applied. The spheres are poured into the cavity, excess decanted off.

Who has best desktop AOI ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 03 12:08:59 EDT 2010 | hegemon

I had an opportunity two years ago to evaluate three benchtop AOI systems. Omron, Yestech, and Mirtec. I was fortunate to be able to have all three machines side by side for my evaluation period, which lasted near a full month. At the time I was

Lead free Solder Paste & Use of nitrogen

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 19:39:57 EDT 2013 | hegemon

No problem running lead free without nitrogen. Careful profiling will take care of the soldering. Cosmetically, the Nitrogen reflow is superior for lead free, and we see much better wetting, better coverage of the PWB pads, and of course the smooth

Recommended Reflow Benchtop Oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 02:12:19 EDT 2013 | raqz

Hi! I have been studying the reflow process. And now, I am researching for a recommended reflow oven that can process a small to low-medium production SMT soldering. For the experts in the reflow field, please recommend a reliable reflow oven. Here

cost analysis: Manual vs. Auto insertion pick and place

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 04 13:47:20 EDT 2006 | pemea1

apples to apples. 20 boards 80 parts top and 10 parts bottom. these boards are done on a semi regular basis (you know the boards are coming to you from an OEM at least three times a month, just no exact schedule). All that is required is pasting..mo

Mix Technology Board Processes

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 20 15:49:26 EDT 2007 | Theresa Spear

Instead of using adhesives to glue the back side SMD components and wave soldering them together with the through hole components, our manufacturing engineers choose to process the back side components through reflow oven without adhesives and proces

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