Electronics Forum: bent leads prevetation (Page 1 of 13)

QFP bent leads

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 18 11:59:34 EDT 2017 | jchris

There are a few companies out there that manufacture lead forming/re-forming equipment. The equipment can effectively straighten the most bent-up leads. Fancort Industries is one of them, another is Hepco.

QFP bent leads

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 02 13:59:38 EST 2017 | horchak

Slim chance it's the nature of the beast if in original unopened package. If handled by anybody not properly trained they will get bent. Allso make sure your pick and place is seating them into the paste, any lead not contacting the wet paste will be

QFP bent leads

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 02 12:08:59 EST 2017 | rvines1

We usually receive them in batches of a few hundred, and occasionally from catalog vendors like Mouser. Inspection has been inconclusive. They don't have to be bent much to cause a problem. I'm wondering if it's just the nature of the beast.

QFP bent leads

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 02 10:09:02 EST 2017 | rvines1

We have a board with an LQFP-176 with 0.5mm pitch. We regularly have to rework these due to unsoldered pins, which is due to pins that are slightly bent upward. We believe that we are receiving them this way, but it may also be due to handling on o

QFP bent leads

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 04 13:28:53 EST 2017 | ttheis

Could also be the leads catching on the feeder or tray during pick-up. I just had a feeder catching the edge of a lead as the part was picked causing the part to shift and be rejected at severe rates.

QFP bent leads

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 02 10:46:34 EST 2017 | Rob

Hi Rick, we have seen this issue before with small volume and prototype parts coming in from catalogue suppliers, where they are decanted from the original manufacturers packaging and sold in smaller batches. Also after going out for programming.

QFP bent leads

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 11 06:35:12 EDT 2017 | proy

We have received partial trays from Mouser where they put foam over the tray taped tightly, but THIS IS NOT GOOG ENOUGH they must include TWO trays to keep the parts captive and safe. Just went through this with a customer supplied kit, and have star

Reclaim - bent leads (SMT)

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 20 11:33:54 EDT 1998 | Kallol Chakraborty

Posted by Kallol Chakraborty on August 20, 1998 at 09:33:52: Hi folks, Is there any reclaiming process for bent leads(mostly QFP). Root cause seems to be handling and packaging. Also like to know if there is any equipment that we could consider for t

Re: Reclaim - bent leads (SMT)

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 24 08:29:05 EDT 1998 | Chris Fontaine

Kc, Bent leads are a major defect driver for us, and despite much research I have yet to find a lead straightening device which is not labor intensive. I do however have some limited information about a machine called the "Top Form 2020" by Polytool

Re: Reclaim - bent leads (SMT)

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 19:46:21 EDT 1998 | Kallol Chakraborty

Thanks very much. | Kc, | Bent leads are a major defect driver for us, and despite much research I have yet to find a lead straightening device which is not labor intensive. I do however have some limited information about a machine called the "Top

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