Electronics Forum: best cleaner (Page 1 of 15)

choosing the best table top ultrasonic cleaner

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 15 14:17:00 EDT 2011 | dyoungquist

Check out Zenith Ultrasonics. We have been using one of their table top models to clean our electronic assemblies for several years now.

choosing the best table top ultrasonic cleaner

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 15 11:20:03 EDT 2011 | cobham1

We are in the process of updating our SMT area and I need to clean my boards. In my research I have found out that if I choose the ultra sonic path I need to make sure the cleaner uses a sweep frequency system in order to protect the SMT parts. Can s

DCT cleaner

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 15:02:32 EST 2015 | max83

Hello all, Does anyone know where can i buy spare parts to DCT cleaner? Best regards Max

Stencil cleaner

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 11:06:27 EST 2003 | slthomas

Always a joy to see a stencil cleaner thread get opened up....lots of varying opinions as to what's needed, best, environmentally sound, etc. We use an ultrasonic batch cleaner that uses a detergent (dilute to 1:10 or 1:20, can't remember), then bo

Stencil cleaner

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 03 14:09:59 EST 2003 | Bill Schreiber

Hello Alwil, It appears that some of the other respondents are recommending that the waste stream be discharged to drain, if possible. Keep in mind, the chemistry used is not the only factor to determine legal drain disposal. If you are cleaning s

Stencil cleaner

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 15:26:44 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave

What object am I cleaning 2>What chemicals/deposits am I removing (Chemistry?? 3>What is the process my machine uses. Now if Water Based works than you are OK from a cleaning aspect. The only problem as Mike noted, at least to my reading, is what ca

DCT cleaner

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 16 09:42:19 EST 2015 | max83

Hello. I saw your site and did not found info about DCT cleaner machine. I need spare parts for DCT inJet 676 CRD machine. p/n 230370029 (meltblowned PP-20micro) p/n 230370021 (meltblowned PP-10micro) Do you have? Best regards Max

Best PCB batch cleaner

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 20 09:47:42 EST 2014 | mlevesque

Thank you!

Best PCB batch cleaner

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 08 12:10:29 EST 2014 | mlevesque

Hello everyone!! We are looking for a new PCB batch cleaner and I want know what is the best machine in the market according to you. WE have an AAT Aquatherm 9200 and it's a big crap, the machine is always broken. Aqueous Trident seems to be inter

Best PCB batch cleaner

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 09 11:13:30 EST 2014 | capse

Cope Assembly Products represents Technical Devices for their well established line of in-line and batch aqueous cleaners. You should give them a look. Our customers are extremely satisfied with their systems. http://www.technicaldev.com/index.html

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