Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 09:47:23 EDT 2017 | georgetruitt
You have a lot to think about! What does the flux manufacturer recommend as far as specifics like water temp or pressure? Do they recommend high temp di-water a detergent or saponifier? Do you currently have a cleaning machine, batch cleaner or inl
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 11:23:45 EST 2005 | russ
Well first off I wouldn't evaluate paste for a wave process. I would use solder bar instead. Flux - top side fillets and no shorting on the solder side, does it clean well after processing if using water soluble flux. How wide is the process win
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 06 01:10:16 EDT 2007 | Haris
My SMT line does not has these facilities so would you please tell me regarding the UNDERFILL AND FLUX-DIP process and how they can be done? Thanks.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 30 11:03:29 EDT 2001 | davef
Nice to have you back on SMTnet. Some of the newer folk have missed-out on the solid contributions you�ve made to the Forum. The chicken wire cleaning basket was a classic!!! [It�s a shame that the folk at SMTnet can�t recover those files.] We bu
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 29 14:42:55 EDT 2004 | davef
You're correct, for every dumpster full of paper written about solder, there's a sentance written about fluxes. There's dribs and drabs about fluxes in most of the soldering books [ie, Manko, Klein-Wassink, Judd, Strauss, etc] and most of that is ve
Electronics Forum | Thu May 30 10:31:03 EDT 2002 | robbied
Hi Yannick. This is an issue that we are just recently getting into but here is some ifo that I have gathered so far. I have seen/ used 2 different rework machines. The one we have bought is a 'PACE TF2000' which was at the lower cost end of the mar
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 08:44:45 EDT 2007 | ck_the_flip
"Guest" is right, actually. CSP's are essentially BGA's, but typically the pitch and ball diameters are much smaller and in some cases, the pads of the CSP's can not be screen printed. If that's the case, you'd have to have flux-dip capabilities on
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 06 08:45:48 EDT 2007 | davef
UNDERFILL The design of the component and the end-use environment drive the requirement fot underfill. Here is a good introduction: http://www.asymtek.com/news/articles/2002_globaltronics_csp_and_fcuf.pdf Google for more. We have no relationship, n
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 19 14:25:24 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon
| | Has anyone had experience with placing BGA on gold plated boards. I thought I read a while ago there was a problem with embrittlment causing cracked joints. If anyone has experience with this your feedback would be great. | | Mike | There has b
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 12:06:58 EST 2007 | pjc
5 Steps to Eliminate Bridges: 1. Establish (wave) Parallelism First and foremost, you must establish board-to-wave parallelism. This is the prerequisite to any wave solder process control. For an understanding of the power of this approach go to ht