Electronics Forum: bga ped connect (Page 1 of 19)

Collapsing of micro bga ball due to improper land pad design ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 27 08:25:24 EDT 2008 | davef

We'd expect to see: * Solder starved connections at pads with large trace/pad areas. * Less reliable solder connections at pads that do not match the shape and size of the corresponding pads on the component.

PBGA open connection

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 03 09:23:55 EDT 2006 | kenscj

We are encountering BGA solder open connection. At Functional Test, the board failed. Debug guy diagnosed this BGA open connection (2 locations), by using multimeter. Under 5DX inspection, there is connection. Take the board for localised reflow at

Thermals on BGA vias to power plane

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 23 15:41:46 EST 1998 | Stuart Adams

Should I use thermals or direct connects on vias from BGA pads to power planes. The via is connected to the BGA pad via a short 8mil trace.

0201 and uBGA

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 25 13:38:35 EDT 2002 | finepitch

Yannick, If we leave the 201 issue aside; have you checked where those BGA pads are connected to? Could those be power/ground balls connected to large (difficult to heat up) planes by any chance? Erhan

Re: Proto BGA Equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 11:05:44 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| All - | | I'm looking for some equipment to build proto and small volume assemblies with BGA components on them. I'm thinking about purchasing a rework machine to do the proto and small volume runs and purchase assembly equipment later. | | 1.

Re: Thermals on BGA vias to power plane

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 24 13:21:16 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| Should I use thermals or direct connects on | vias from BGA pads to power planes. The via is | connected to the BGA pad via a short 8mil trace. Thermals are safest. However, I have had no problems using direct connects provided parameters are capab

0201 and uBGA

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 05 21:33:12 EDT 2002 | davef

Tough to say based on what you have told us. Things to Determine are: * Is the heat at the solder connections that are not reflowing properly adequate? * Is the pad surface of the solder connections that are not reflowing properly solderable?

PBGA open connection

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 03 09:36:30 EDT 2006 | Brian

Using a meter to check a BGA connection to the board, there will be other parts of the circuit involved. Sounds like a bad batch of parts.

PBGA open connection

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 00:48:22 EDT 2006 | KEN

What is the surface finish of the PCB? What type of BGA? What type of solder / flux are you using?

HIP defect in BGA

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 14 13:16:10 EDT 2020 | davef

Where are HIP connections located?

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