Electronics Forum: black tar (Page 1 of 1)

Black Tar on ENIG

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 21:34:56 EDT 2014 | davef

"Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold and Black Tar. What Is It and How Can It Be Prevented?" James Trainor, OM Group Electronic Chemicals, LLC SMTAI 2014 SUB2

Black Tar on ENIG

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 20 21:26:57 EDT 2014 | richardciccarone

I have seen a couple of references to Black Tar, Not Black Pad. Apparently, it occurs only on the solder side of PTH's after wave solder and primarily on the edges of the land. It is characterized by a black coloration (Not Ni corrosion?) and non-wet

Black Tar on ENIG

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 22:25:35 EDT 2014 | richardciccarone

Thanks for the input. I read that paper. I'm not convinced the Pb stabilizer and bath MTO's are a cause of the Black Tar defect. If that were the case, given the history of Pb stabilizers and ENIG, I would have thought that there would have been many

Re: Black spots on gold finish pads.

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 30 23:45:20 EST 1998 | Kallol Chakraborty

Hi folks , Lately we are seeing a lot of rawcards with black spots on the pads - most of them have Au finish(immersion gold) . We did a lot of inspecton after wave solder and found that only (fine pitch) QFP are affected the most. Our inspection /te

Re: Black spots on gold finish pads.

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 01 07:24:44 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| Hi folks , | Lately we are seeing a lot of rawcards with black spots on the pads - most of them have Au finish(immersion gold) . We did a lot of inspecton after wave solder and found that only (fine pitch) QFP are affected the most. Our inspection

Re: Black spots on gold finish pads.

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 01 07:54:49 EST 1998 | kallol chakraborty

| | Hi folks , | | Lately we are seeing a lot of rawcards with black spots on the pads - most of them have Au finish(immersion gold) . We did a lot of inspecton after wave solder and found that only (fine pitch) QFP are affected the most. Our inspec

Re: Black spots on gold finish pads.

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 01 09:02:18 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| | | Hi folks , | | | Lately we are seeing a lot of rawcards with black spots on the pads - most of them have Au finish(immersion gold) . We did a lot of inspecton after wave solder and found that only (fine pitch) QFP are affected the most. Our in

Re: Black spots on gold finish pads.

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 04 20:26:34 EST 1998 | kallol Chakraborty

| | | | Hi folks , | | | | Lately we are seeing a lot of rawcards with black spots on the pads - most of them have Au finish(immersion gold) . We did a lot of inspecton after wave solder and found that only (fine pitch) QFP are affected the most. Ou

Re: Black spots on gold finish pads.

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 04 20:37:45 EST 1998 | kallol chakraborty

| | | | | Hi folks , | | | | | Lately we are seeing a lot of rawcards with black spots on the pads - most of them have Au finish(immersion gold) . We did a lot of inspecton after wave solder and found that only (fine pitch) QFP are affected the most


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