Electronics Forum: blue wave ultrasonic cleaner (Page 1 of 2)

Problem with conformal coating

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 22:38:28 EST 2005 | davef

We: * Cure 1B73 according to spec in a heat box, like a Blue-M * Clean nozzles [one set in use, one set being cleaned] in thinner in a bronson ultrasonic cleaner * Haven't evaluated coatings in years, but would do it according to J-STD-001C, Reqmnts

Ultrasonic washing for boards

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 14:07:24 EDT 2005 | bschreiber

Hello Paul, Prior to 1980, I would say that your concerns were real regarding the resonant frequency. However, since then all major ultrasonic cleaner manufacturers use a "sweep" frequency technology. By "sweeping" or alternating the frequency bet

High complex board manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 02 10:23:46 EST 2009 | wrongway

You may need a glue despinser if you populate bottom side then wave. maybe a board deatacker at front of the line how about a multifunction pick and place machine so you can process all parts out there. we cleaned our stencils for years then we got a

Stencil cleaners.

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 24 15:10:37 EDT 2006 | carln

Here are some additional comments that have been posted on the CircuitNet web site: Fist, the answer is the same regardless of the specific paste type, (leaded or non-leaded). High pressure sprays should never be applied to a stencil. Stencils are

Solder Pallet Maintenance?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 11 13:55:26 EDT 2007 | bschreiber

We have received several e-mails and phone calls regarding the Permali recommendation of cleaning Durostone pallets so I thought I would address these questions on the forum for everyone's benefit. Q: Can 440-R SMT Detergent be used for manual clean

Pallet Maintenance

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 05 13:08:16 EST 2001 | billschreiber

Hi Roger, Our customers use their Smart Sonic Stencil Cleaners for cleaning SMT and wave pallets. There are two primary protocols used. 1) If you have a large quantity of pallets and they are becoming contaminated rapidly, a dedicated stencil clean

UltraSonic cleaning machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 25 15:58:36 EDT 2002 | bschreiber

Hello Dave, I hope that electronic slap didn�t hurt too much. Robf, I am sorry that you did not agree with my initial response, but the answer is very detailed and most of the support material I have is only in paper format so I need to either snai

PCB post reflow cleaning

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 31 21:08:34 EST 2004 | Ed

Hey guys. I've been manually dunking circuit boards for 8 years now. I too have the excess residue issue to contend with. I'm using a low solids - no clean flux from Kester (959). I have used solvents, thinners, windex and a multititude of cleane

Re: ESD Compliant - Air blow off to dry washed circuit board assemblies

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 12 21:04:10 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Ashok: You still didn�t tell me why you want additional drying of your boards, but what the hey, we all have our dark secrets. Anywho, let�s consider some options for reducing the moisture of your cleaned boards: OPTION 1 - Up-Grading Your Cleaner


Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 20 20:15:55 EDT 2001 | davef

We use glue for all kinds of purposes. [See, first we glue the lock on the office door. Then, we glue dadour locks on dakah. Next, we glue the ignition of the Benz. Now, webee gon stylin�, uh huh!] Oooops, sorry got lost there for a minute, the

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