Electronics Forum: bmep (Page 1 of 2)

Some BMEP help?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 31 08:38:10 EDT 2007 | billyd

Thanks Dave! I'll call them now!

Some BMEP help?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 31 08:25:28 EDT 2007 | davef

Automatic Services Group [8087 Monetary Dr # E7, Riviera Beach, Florida 33404-1711 561-848-6746 Arthur Burdick] [Tyco; 215-784-4530 Dante Parenti]


Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 23 13:46:56 EDT 2008 | jeffjarmato

Does any one have a manual on this press? I am having problems with mine during homing. It seems that the Z axis sensors are not seeing the Z axis and it runs into hard limits. Thanks for any help provided


Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 23 13:59:55 EDT 2008 | bobpan

I just found my manual and notes. Is your error Z out of range on profile #? Please include exact error next time.


Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 23 14:23:19 EDT 2008 | jeffjarmato

Exact Error Message: Following error on Z axis Happens during Homing the machine. Right now as Z Up


Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 23 15:34:59 EDT 2008 | jeffjarmato

Thanks Bob, My email is jarmato@nbscorp.com My mobile phone is 951-216-5060


Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 24 09:53:55 EDT 2008 | jeffjarmato

Morning Bob, Do you have a contact at Tyco for service on this? If you post that I will schedule service and get the tools that I need to get this press running. Thanks, Jeff


Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 24 21:47:25 EDT 2008 | jeffjarmato

To everyone that helped Thank you!!! Got it up and running Thanks Bob, Dean and Bob at Tyco support!!! Jeff

Some BMEP help?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 16:33:21 EDT 2007 | billyd

Hi everyone. While this isn't exactly SMT, I'm sure most of you at least utilize the technology; I'm looking for someone I can contact with questions regarding my BMEP-5T press. I've been charged with getting the process up and running, but it's been


Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 23 15:02:31 EDT 2008 | bobpan

Sounds to me that your machine Zero is in correct. Do you have the "thickness probe" and your 2" spacer block if so you need to use these to reset your zero point. This is a bit involved E-mail would be easier list your e-mail and I can talk you thru

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