Electronics Forum: btu paragon 100 reflow oven manual (Page 1 of 5)

Replacement for nitrogen in the reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Wed May 26 02:58:04 EDT 2004 | johnwnz

Let's not be hasty about the BTU, the Pyramax consums even more N2 than the Paragon that it replaced by something like another 40%! and the Electrovert aint that much better although it's been a while since I looked at them.

BTU oven air setting

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 24 04:42:12 EDT 2005 | ajaydoshi

We do have BTU 150 Paragon. What the practical air setting for all 10 zones + 2 coolig zone. This setting is to manually adjust on machine front right botton side. ajay

CFM requirements for Heller 1500 reflow oven exhaust

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 24 10:49:12 EDT 2008 | slthomas

100 CFM at each exhaust if you're using room air, 25 CFM/ea if you're using nitrogen (according to my manual...never used nitrogen myself) per their specified delivery rates.

Vibrating reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 17 04:15:23 EDT 2003 | C Miller

The magnetic thing from the sot23 thread made me think of somthing from the past. Does anyone have any experience with vibrating boards during reflow? I know for a fact that if you vibrate a board during reflow it will alow the parts to "float" and

DIMA smro 0406 is good machine or not for doing lead free reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 11 13:49:48 EST 2014 | emeto

If you have a chance ask them to bring in one of your products(take board, stencil and some heavy part on the PCB that will absorb a lot of heat). They should be able to screen(even manually) it for you, hand place the part and send it through the ov

BTU Paragon 150 Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 19 13:24:05 EDT 2005 | cyber_wolf

OK guys here is the skinny..... We need an oven that can handle lead free temps without slowing the belt speed under 28 or so in. per min. BTU tells me that they don't recommend an oven that maxes any less than 350 C. Is anyone using a paragon 150

BTU -Paragon 150

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 10 08:17:21 EDT 2010 | nagesh

Dear All, I have a problem with the BTU-paragon -150 reflow oven,with the heaters getting off with Overtemperature Alaram. But the actual temperature on board not exceeding the 255 peak temp. Pls. advice & thx in advance for your sincere postings. R

BTU Paragon 150 Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 20 04:28:31 EDT 2005 | Rob

Pyramax 150 is a low cost newer version of the Paragon 150, the Paragon is a newer version of the VIP. The VIP is great for lead free (as confirmed to us by BTU, who told us it was pointless upgrading that particular oven to a Pyramax). You may nee

BTU -Paragon 150

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 12 06:38:00 EST 2009 | nagesh

Dear All, I have a problem with the BTU-Paragon 150 10 Zone Reflow Oven. Am not able to lift the HOOD using the buttons on the Main control panel. I have checked the Lift hood switch & Ok. Pls. advice / Suggest. Thx in advance for all your sincere

BTU -Paragon 150

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 18 13:00:16 EST 2009 | evertonsanches

Dear All, > > I have a problem with the > BTU-Paragon 150 10 Zone Reflow Oven. Am not able > to lift the HOOD using the buttons on the Main > control panel. I have checked the Lift hood > switch & Ok. Pls. advice / Suggest. > > Thx in > advanc

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