Electronics Forum: btu vip70a (Page 1 of 1)

BTU Lid not close

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 20 06:10:32 EDT 2009 | thanhnguyen

BTU ( VIP70A) lid will not close, during the weekend, we pop up to clean and vaccum, after done, try to close the lid, but not work. any input will be helpful. thanks

Repair a BTU VIP70 or buy a new HELLER??

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 09 15:00:59 EST 2006 | jwentz

Shipping might be an issue for you but I have a VIP70A in storage that is roughly the same vintage but in really good shape for $5000. We pulled it from service last year to bring in a more Pb-Free capable oven. We are still running a sister oven on

BTU -Paragon 150

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 18 12:56:06 EST 2009 | evertonsanches

Hello I had similar problem on VIP 70A. Try to check auxiliar contact from located into front panel. Everton - BRAZIL

BTU -Paragon 150

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 18 13:00:16 EST 2009 | evertonsanches

Dear All, > > I have a problem with the > BTU-Paragon 150 10 Zone Reflow Oven. Am not able > to lift the HOOD using the buttons on the Main > control panel. I have checked the Lift hood > switch & Ok. Pls. advice / Suggest. > > Thx in > advanc


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