Electronics Forum: c.w (Page 1 of 1)

QFN Rework Issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 13 09:30:32 EST 2019 | SMTA-Joe

*UPDATE* I decided to modify the experiment slightly by forgoing my attempt to achieve reflow with the component. Instead I applied SN42 paste directly to the pad and attempted reflow of the paste by itself. The end result is as follows: Hotplate

Thermal resistance of a given copper area

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 06 16:11:25 EDT 2003 | RF Lurker

I understand that there may not be a lot of material on this, as most threads I've seen discourage doing it. It goes against DFM to do it. But I wish to use a large copper area instead of heat sink and thermal epoxy to cool a regulator. But I can'


Electronics Forum | Sat May 30 18:09:17 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| Got handed an assignment for which I'm not totally qualified. Don't expect this forum to had me all the answers. Some answers are obvious as the device types are fairly self explanatory. | As everyone knows, IBM had problems with their ceramic BGA


Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 01 20:37:54 EDT 1998 | D.Lange

| | Got handed an assignment for which I'm not totally qualified. Don't expect this forum to had me all the answers. Some answers are obvious as the device types are fairly self explanatory. | | As everyone knows, IBM had problems with their ceramic

Teflon Vs Fibreglass

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 25 20:41:07 EDT 2002 | davef

Oh great!!! You do calibrations, what once a year? And NOW yer in a BIG �time is critical� rush. �Speed in reply is appreciated.� And why couldn�t you have asked this question 6 months ago? Just what have you been doing since the last calibratio

Solder Balls in Boards

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 12 00:34:00 EDT 2004 | kanwal324

Hi ! The main problem being faced currently is formation of solder balls - to be precise, these are micro solder beads generally found attached with bodies of SOTs, Chip Caps, Chip Resistors, between pins of SOICs (50 mil) - lying on PCB surface,


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