Electronics Forum: c82 (Page 1 of 1)

IP3 head 1 not placing parts

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 22 06:06:54 EDT 2008 | stanyserrao

1CA64011 and 1CAFE011 UsedBy Display 1CA??011 Cause The Vision_type in part data is expressed using hexadecimal notation ("??"). If "??" equals 1E, 64, 78, 79, AC, or FE then boundary detection could not begin because the nozzle was bent.

Siemens SiPlace, Model 80 S20 FS02

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 22:49:18 EDT 2006 | chrispy1963

I am searching for any information concerning this type of SMT placement equipment. Currently our facility utilizes Panasonic CM202 inline with MyData MY12 machines for our production builds. Our managment has found a couple of the Siemens machines


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