Electronics Forum: camalot error 5 (Page 1 of 31)

ERSA Hotflow 5

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 21 11:07:39 EST 2015 | jfuess

Hello all, I have recenetly come into possesion of a used Hotflow 5 oven and I'm trying to get it running. Unfortunatly the LCD/Keypad has been damaged and although it still works, some of the buttons don't function and the LCD has lines through i

Omniflo 5 high temperature warning

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 04 02:43:09 EDT 2008 | benefon

Thanks This error only occurred with one oven profile with the reflow zone temperature set at 270�C. Perhaps it really has to do with the exhaust pull as the oven is operating very near its temperature limit with this profile. I will check that. Tha

Omniflo 5 high temperature warning

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 01 04:55:20 EDT 2008 | benefon

Hello all Our Omni 5 has given the 'Cooling module high temp' warning twice during the past month. I suspect that the blower motor is the culprit but have not been able to verify this because the oven has started up normally after acknowledging the

YV100xg error

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 03:36:19 EDT 2010 | naveed

Hi all!i m using yv100xg line,with vois application version 1.5R2000,when the mechine starts,after loading all files and returning to origin,a mesg appears ,that iz"Ea12324:the repair detection of the file.the mchne is unusually finished and it has t

Radial 5 Cannot Connect to UIC

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 27 09:05:51 EDT 2018 | dszewczak

prompt) When we came back in the morning it was repeat scrolling an "ODD ADDRESS ERROR" on the monitor. I used a loopback to verify that the serial connections were good all the way to the control box. We tried uploading the main program to the ma

DEK265GSX >>>motor commumincation error

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 26 07:43:55 EDT 2008 | mysmt

Hello aj, 5V & 12 V checked & present.

DEK 248 squeegee error

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 10:23:32 EST 2013 | vincent_qms

Hello, we have a DEK 248 just acted up with the squeegee orror. unit powered up initiated and when throght setup a job fine but when we started printing, the back squeegee came down, touched the stencil, stay for about 5 second then came back up with

quad 1000 error

Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 17:58:54 EDT 2005 | ??

Are you sure you dont mean quad 100. The software for a quad 1000 (which was a samsung machine) was not available on disks or to install......I dont recall ever seeing it on a disk. If its a quad 100, you would need version cc5.6d central controller

DEK265GSX >>>motor commumincation error

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 25 16:23:42 EDT 2008 | aj

Hi, Have you tried to download the MINT ?if this works you should be back in business , if not,check your PSU, which you can access from the back? check the manual as to which one powers the cards- dont have manual to hand but I think it is the 5v

Universal GSM1 startup error

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 12 11:01:37 EDT 2015 | bnorton

Machine->Config and set all their addresses to 0. We have swapped the EPC5, the VGA Video, the Force board, and most recently the Lantern 630VME. Watching the Force board COMM2 with Logicomm, at the end of all the ldx file processing it changes to c

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