Electronics Forum: capable (Page 1 of 183)

large bga (55mmx44mm) capable placement machines?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 04:19:27 EDT 2004 | Simon UK

I think if the machine has the capability of multiple fields of view (Quad systems do!) You can mesure any device with the visual camera to circa 80mm2. Simon

SMT BGA capable oven and stencil printer.

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 03 13:48:38 EST 2007 | mariusro

Hi Krebbe, Why not trying DEK 248 with vision. It's a semiautomatic printer with fully fine pitch capability, works just fine!

large bga (55mmx44mm) capable placement machines?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 22:13:07 EDT 2004 | Frank

Our Juki KE-2020 can place up to 74mm X 74mm ICs and BGA. I am have placed this zif socket before on the KE-2020 that you are speaking of. I don't think the KE-2020s are being made any longer. I know the new KE-2060 machines (that replaced the KE-

large bga (55mmx44mm) capable placement machines?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 20:23:28 EDT 2004 | KEN

Philips Emerald & Emerald-X is specified at max 54mm device. However I have placed 58mm devices. These machines have published accuracies at 0.02mm. Have seen as low as 0.007mm.

large bga (55mmx44mm) capable placement machines?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 16:55:17 EDT 2004 | Sue

Yes, a MYDATA TP9 UFP machine can place components up to 2.2" square without any modifications. Refurbished TP9 UFP machines sell for about $45K in the USA.

large bga (55mmx44mm) capable placement machines?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 15 07:29:23 EDT 2004 | kbayram

Thank you Rob for all the help, it has cleared up a lot of things. The smtsales site looks good too, I'ill definitely be giving them a call when the time comes. Thanks again.

SMT BGA capable oven and stencil printer.

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 03 14:17:38 EST 2007 | valuems

Hello You can give us a call for a printer, if you would like. Call 740-403-9406 Harry

large bga (55mmx44mm) capable placement machines?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 15:59:25 EDT 2004 | kbayram

Hello, I'm looking for a lower end used machine that can place a 55x44mm sized bga component, placement speed is n't concern. At the moment I have only found the quad ivc to be capable although I'm worried about the placement accuracy and repeatabi

large bga (55mmx44mm) capable placement machines?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 04:45:02 EDT 2004 | Rob

Hi, Depends on where in the world you're based, but in the UK you can pick up a decent Universal GSM1 for around �12K-�15K ($20K-$27K). We place BGA's, huge fine pitch IC's, 72mm connectors etc with no problem. I believe they do up to 100mm feeder

large bga (55mmx44mm) capable placement machines?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 13:25:11 EDT 2004 | kbayram

Thank you all for your replies. Coincidently I am in the UK and doing research for a purchase in the first half of next year for export. At that price range what year of manufacture are we looking at? Looking at the specs it looks like a good, w

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