Electronics Forum: cause of missing components (Page 1 of 18)

missing component after placement

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 26 21:23:51 EST 2000 | Dennis

Hello! all Will anybody give me advice for missing componets for 0402, 0603 R or C chips? I am not gonna tell you which machine I use, but from my experience, every p&p machine has possibility for missing component after placing 400 or more componen

siplace part missing

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 13 08:03:46 EST 2003 | Stefan Witte

The only part, which could cause component misplacement on the rotary heads of the Siplace machine is the vacuum valve. I don�t know the official name in the part catalog, but I use to name it plunger. The plunger is moved in and out by a miniature s

Component missing in siplace mounter

Electronics Forum | Tue May 07 13:49:05 EDT 2019 | tey422

Like I stated before, I am not familiar with the machine. I can only make suggestions. If you found solder paste on the nozzle, clean it off to prevent part stuck to the nozzle tip. I would also check if the nozzle tips are being worn off; uneven we

Component missing in siplace mounter

Electronics Forum | Wed May 08 07:19:03 EDT 2019 | youngbuck

Hi Sankar, I have had experience with the SX and X2 so I'm not sure how similar ours is to yours but i can give you some suggestions. 1. As Thomas said you could do a vaccum check and make sure the 4007 nozzle has around the same settings as the ot

Contamination of components

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 27 10:29:48 EST 2001 | davef

Bud: Theoretically, I agree with you in-bound parts should meet your solderability requirements. Unforunately in real life, it aint gunna work, because if your buyer can't get you parts now, well 'cept the crusty ones that you're seeing, can you im

Very fishy missing solder paste issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 21 02:45:51 EDT 2005 | Base

Probably very far-fetched, but I can think of a scenario like this: - machine picks up a component - between vision and placement the part is lost, but the loss is not detected due to oversize tool, which causes the amount of vacuum drop to go unnot

Very fishy missing solder paste issue

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 20 16:08:34 EDT 2005 | grantp

Hi, I think the comment about the board height is because the MYDATA checks the board height each time it loads a tool so this is eliminated from being an issue because the machine knows the PCB height. I don't think it's so much what height the PCB

what is the cause of green decay on the soldered wires

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 07 07:20:02 EST 2005 | davef

We need more information about the situation. For instance: * Describe the green residue * Talk about the distribution of the problem, including a single lot or from various lots and over components and component types on the board * Tell us about t

% of wasted components in SMT production

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 07 03:44:40 EDT 2010 | jackevest

The missing rate spec. of normal machine is under 0.3%, for our experience 0.1% is normal for average, if you can maintain the machine well, like the nozzle cleaning, feeder maitain...you can keep the 0.05%.

Flux on the body of SMT components

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 13 14:04:14 EDT 2024 | carl_p

The image is very poor. I would start with giving the oven a good clean. You likely have some build up that is then dropping onto your boards causing this.

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