Electronics Forum: cercuit diagram smema connection (Page 1 of 1)

MPM up500 smema issue

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 07 07:53:16 EDT 2016 | ttheis

Looks like I've got to reconfigure the fmi connections. Only pins 1 & 2 populated and when I jump the fownline pins the upline ready signal is activated. I'll reference the diagram and setup the connections for smema.

MPM up500 smema issue

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 07 16:36:18 EDT 2016 | ttheis

It does look like it was setup for fuji or siemens connection. I did get the smema signals working; had to add the connections for pins 3 & 4 on both ports and move some of the existing connections according to the smema diagram. Also, I wasn't seein

AP20 Printer issue

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 21 16:55:16 EDT 2006 | Geo E

I am trying to find out if the AP20 MPM Printer is SMEMA ready or was it an Add-on, I can not find any documentation in the manual as to where the Smema is to be connected.Or does the diagrams show any smema hook ups. Any help would be appreciated.


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